[花邊] 湖人選皇子 記者:職業運動史上最糟的決定





Rob parker是知名黑人記者和主播

影片逐字稿 https://streamable.com/g2nxc7

I think this is the worst decision that's ever happened in professional sports.
And I'm dead serious when I say that. It changes what the essence of the game
has always been, which is about competition. This is what we've always talked
about. And the reason why you have an NFL where you have essentially 99% of
the owners are white and yet the league is 70% black. Meritocracy is what
allowed this to be the case. They didn't go out and just fill their teams with
people who look like them because they own the team and said, I don't care. I'm
going to do what I want to do and no one can tell me because I own the team It
was about the best people went out there, played the game, and the people who
deserve to get jobs got jobs.

但聯盟中有70% 的球員是黑人呢?因為「用人唯才」,老闆們並沒有因為自己是老闆

I heard a lot of people throw around nepotism and there's plenty of nepotism
and I've been critical of one that threw it around. Yeah, plenty and I've
thrown out nepotism. Chris, it's wrong. We've seen it, especially in the front
office, but it ain't the same as what we've seen here as far as on the field.
Someone would have to show me on the field where some guy got his son a spot on
a team or some owner put his nephew on out. Just take the last spot on the
roster. It doesn't matter. I want you to be on the team because I own the team
and that's the part I think when LeBron looks at his legacy that he'll be
leaving this sport in a worse place than when he got here. And what I mean is
he's opened up a Pandora's box now to where I don't know how you tell people
not to do what he just did. His kid by all of the scouts, not Rob Parker as a
scout, all the scouts, smaller guard. He didn't have a great year in college.
All this thing. They might have made a team, might have been able to be on a
team as a non drafted player and worked his way through and all that. Good F.


But this was like, no, he's coming to the Lakers. Get out of the way. Don't
draft them. This is all about LeBron making this happen. The whole process
feels bad. Doesn't feel good. I feel bad for Bronte from the standpoint of
where people will look at him where if this was on his own merit, Chris, and
and I'm saying on his own merit and anybody drafted him and he worked his way
through or whatever work through it was, I think he would have had a better
situation or a better chance without having people wear this on him. That the
only reason he's there is his dad. And people aren't going to say it. A lot
of people aren't going to say it publicly because LeBron still has power and
has a big name and a lot of guys.

但這就像,不,他要去湖人。讓開路,別選他。這一切都是關於 LeBron讓這件事發生。
整個過程讓人感覺糟糕,一點都不好。我替 Bronny感到難過,因為人們會如何看待他,
是他爸在湖人。大家不會公開的講出來,因為 LeBron仍有影響力、名氣很大

But I talked to a lot of former players who just to me said that this doesn't
feel right on the way that this was handled. All the conversation about it.
Everybody knew. I told you this months ago that he was going to the Lakers.
There was no doubt in my mind at all.




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Miyanishi252樓我們懷念他 07/03 20:32
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a51601313樓這記者不想在媒體界混了是不是 07/03 20:33
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Superman00718樓這記者是黑人嗎?是 07/03 20:33
rbull19樓你有姆咪懂布朗尼嗎 07/03 20:33
hitomi4720樓追殺名單 07/03 20:34
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demonh31123樓努力品德 懂不懂啊 07/03 20:34
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mokumoku29樓我看這個黑人記者是不懂什麼叫票房喔 07/03 20:36
KC9030樓要被追殺到天涯海角嚕 自己保重 07/03 20:36