[情報] K湯最後對勇士的報價被管理層拒絕




Klay Thompson's last proposal to the Warriors was a two-year contract for $20
million annually, per @ramonashelburne & @kendra__andrews

The Warriors declined, stating, "We just can't do it yet."

“After almost a year of despair, he needed an entirely new experience,
sources said. Out of the fishbowl, away from all the history and people he
had always known. Two weeks prior, Thompson's camp had made one final offer
to the Warriors, a two-year deal for roughly $20 million per season, sources
said. The response was the same as it had been for nearly a year: ‘We just
can't do it yet.’”

K湯兩週前向勇士隊提出的最後一份合約是一份為期兩年、年薪 2000 萬美元的合約。



Klay Thompson reportedly wanted a "fresh start" and felt that playing for the
Lakers was too much like playing for the Warriors, per @ramonashelburne & @kendra__andrews


“James had several deep conversations with Thompson about the idea of
playing together, sources said. But something about playing for the Lakers
apparently felt too much like playing for the Warriors. As one source close
to him put it, ‘Would this be trading one fishbowl for another?’”




到底? 誰在黑? 還是誰在說謊?

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1720017451.A.040.html
Chanlin011樓換勇士來洗文喔 勇湖版 07/03 22:37
samsam808212樓來喔 勇士接力 07/03 22:38
racksold3樓其實沒有很貴 算是合理價格 但是…… 07/03 22:38
KC904樓翻車蹦跳迷狂喜 趕快上車嚕! 07/03 22:38
jyekid5樓只開兩年均2000 真的嗎 07/03 22:38
borissun6樓所以2年4800萬應該是很早之前曾報過的價 07/03 22:38
jyekid7樓那張是去年 07/03 22:39
Tommy92C8樓勇湖文佔據總板,我就問NBA只有兩隊? 07/03 22:39
suballhome9樓一堆人說KT不選2Y/4800W 其實那是上賽季開賽前開的 07/03 22:39
archer52310樓到底行不行,好像有點亂 07/03 22:39
ralpoph11樓支持多開個「非勇湖」版 07/03 22:39
ayubabbit12樓新版本又更新了 07/03 22:40
LatteCat556613樓只剩下安吉的馬卡南能改變板上文章風向了 07/03 22:40
Dreamwarmup14樓寧願簽嘴綠,酷 07/03 22:41
kterry0115樓0-10要2000太難了,勇士大概只給1500吧 07/03 22:41
RodrigueZ81016樓2y/40m這價格不過分 不給就有點無情了 07/03 22:41
ayubabbit17樓這消息人士是誰? 前一個版本好像是shamt的? 07/03 22:41
grimnir15818樓KT不是至少要3年 怎又變2年 07/03 22:41
a2820026619樓2000挺便宜的阿 07/03 22:41
veter20樓2y四千好像可以 07/03 22:41
yueyi31321樓就要拼PG了,怎麼給KT合約? 07/03 22:42
ayubabbit22樓2y4000不給真的有點誇張 buddy hield更貴吧 07/03 22:42
YDSK23樓2Y/40M以他現在的狀態真的貴... 07/03 22:42
skybin24樓2000是稍貴,但考慮到情感部分,應該勉強可以吧 07/03 22:43
dog2963584125樓40M/2Y雖然溢價但以四爺的身分不續真的說不過去耶 07/03 22:44
jyekid26樓嗯我也記得之前說要好幾年 07/03 22:44
RodrigueZ81027樓他的成績單拿40M/2Y哪裡貴? 07/03 22:44
jerry00012128樓本來說至少要3年 啊怎又跑出2年約 07/03 22:44
SHOTN1729樓那時還在喬喬看PG的事吧 沒確定前才說我們還做不到 07/03 22:44
FAYeeeeeeee30樓降成這樣還放 MDL也是很敢扮黑臉 07/03 22:44