[花邊] Klay Thompson IG向勇士道別 "船長先閃




Oh Bay Area , there are not enough words and images to convey how I really feel
about yall . From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for the best times o
f my life. It was such an honor to put that Dubs jersey on from day 1. I really
just wanted to be the best I could be and help bring as many championships as po
ssible to the region. The best part was not the rings though, it was the friends
hips I made that will last a lifetime . My family and I would like to thank all
of the amazing people who work tirelessly to make the @warriors organization wor
ld-class. Don’t be sad it’s over, be happy it happened . Until we meet again.
Sea captain out
#foureverchamps #splashbros4life #oaklandforever






我和我的家人要感謝那些了不起的人士,努力不懈使@warriors 成為世界一流的組織。



#四冠 #一輩子的浪花兄弟 #永遠的奧克蘭



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1720218192.A.D3E.html
TheBatman1樓再次相遇 就是對手了 07/06 06:25
BronyXrG2樓這篇文章應該不會刪掉了吧 07/06 06:26
Playonenight3樓有po 文下賽季應該不會被鐵拳制裁了 07/06 06:29
Timmons4樓應該不會 07/06 06:29
f779285樓K湯加油 要比這群忘恩負義的先拿到第五冠 07/06 06:30
ellcon6樓k湯:我要當五爺 07/06 06:31
po369874127樓唉 4爺變8弟 不勝唏噓 07/06 06:32
a199512188樓K湯加油! 快退休再一日合約回鍋吧! 07/06 06:34
lafeelbarth9樓應該不會 07/06 06:37
dereklin10樓一輩子的浪花兄弟 哭了 07/06 06:38
toeic90011樓浪花8弟 07/06 06:40
AssetCreater12樓謝謝K湯,等你回來退休 07/06 06:41
godamnumb13樓QQ 07/06 06:42
isequ14樓那之前退追門是在… 07/06 06:45
forever920fv15樓與你相遇 好幸運 07/06 06:49
Kyrieisme16樓10年勇粉我哭了 07/06 06:50
bjorn60717樓永遠的浪花 掰掰 07/06 06:50
derekhsu18樓退追本來就是用來影響管理層的手段 07/06 06:52
wate556619樓QQ 07/06 06:54
hipnos20樓QQ 加油 各自努力 期待下次再相聚 07/06 06:55
TINO621樓已哭 07/06 06:55
YellowTiger22樓不要為事情的結束而悲傷 要為事情的發生而感到高興 07/06 06:56
YellowTiger23樓幹 說的超好 07/06 06:56
YellowTiger24樓Don’t be sad it’s over, be happy it happened. 07/06 06:57
MTK51525樓Thank you Klay 07/06 06:58
s2996109126樓嗚嗚我的浪花兄弟 我的青春 07/06 07:05
floatbear22727樓下次可以對勇士球員比4 07/06 07:05
allen574328樓QQ 07/06 07:06
elone29樓第三年合約是PO 07/06 07:09
elone30樓應該就會回家了 07/06 07:09