[情報] Lowe: Duncan的歷史排名在Kobe前面



Josh Paredes, FanSided

作者轉發Lowe 節目的一段話 https://voca.ro/1bnp5fdH19iq
I’m not saying I’m definitively ranking [Duncan] over anybody. I’ve got to
do the actual deep dive, but I have been pretty hard on the island of I think
I’d rank him above Kobe for sure – well, not for sure, let me amend that –
I think I would rank him above Kobe all-time.
I think he’s probably closer to the sixth, seventh, eighth range – I’m
doing this off the top of my head – than he is the 12th, 13th, 14th range of
我認為他可能更接近於歷史排名的第6、7、8名 (根據我的記憶),而不是第12、13、14名

網友留言: https://i.imgur.com/UpxPtME.png

The amount of arguments i've had with friends over this lol. One of them even
went as far to tell me Tim Duncan isn't skilled

This is becoming my least favorite topic, and it gets posted here over and
over again.
They are both somewhere from 5-12, I don’t even care at this point if
someone lists Duncan comically low. He won 5 championships for my favorite
team. I went to the NBA Finals in person because of Tim Duncan. We won 70% of
our games for 20 years. No media person or Redditor can ever take that away.
The 5 championships thing is true for Kobe fans as well, so who cares what
anyone else thinks.
這真是太扯了 這變成我最討厭的話題,而且這裡一直重複著。他們兩都排在5-12名之間
我現在甚至不在乎有人把Duncan排得很低。他為我最愛的球隊贏了 5座冠軍。
因為Duncan,我親自去了NBA冠軍賽。20年來 我們贏了70%的比賽。
任何媒體人或 Reddit 用戶都無法奪走這些。五冠王的成就對Kobe球迷來說也是一樣的,

I would too 我也會這樣排



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1721918620.A.4CF.html
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