[情報] 美國隊拿下奧運金牌,KD成為史上首位四金



Olympic Last Dance together: LeBron James, Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant lead US
A to Gold – completing commitment they made to each other, Team USA and the c
ountry exactly one year ago.



Team USA’s Kevin Durant becomes the first player to win four Gold Medals in m
en’s Olympic basketball history. Durant has also scored the most points in US
A Olympic history. The two-time NBA Finals MVP cements himself as the most dec
orated USA Basketball player ever.





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1723324695.A.884.html
bigbigcc1樓Curry太神辣 08/11 05:18
DukeGD6662樓咖喱太神啦 08/11 05:18
chenliu07163樓大斷線,33333 08/11 05:18
Eddward4樓你咖跟鬼一樣 08/11 05:18
johncena56325樓咖哩太神了 08/11 05:18
zz8223216樓留名 08/11 05:18
karta3287樓路人真的好猛! 08/11 05:18
yeahhh8樓Mvp curry 08/11 05:18
needshe5209樓厲害了你咖喱 08/11 05:18
gelatine10樓太神了 08/11 05:18
benny651311樓Curry只打四強和冠亞是吧 08/11 05:18
hunt556612樓三老完美奧運之旅 08/11 05:18
believe556613樓舒服 08/11 05:18
dante11005914樓老柯真的強 08/11 05:18
paul45678915樓Curry真的太準了啦! 08/11 05:18
Franc122416樓舒服 08/11 05:18
yenchunjen17樓咖喱太神啦~~~~ 08/11 05:18
drpepper188518樓33333 08/11 05:18
creamnut19樓路人連進四顆三分! 08/11 05:18
ms1008220樓咖哩跟鬼一樣 08/11 05:18
a123021521樓咖哩太神啦 08/11 05:18
benbenbbb22樓三羊太鬼 神串留名 08/11 05:18
worm811423樓睡好法國隊 08/11 05:18
Kaylezix24樓咖哩 太神拉 08/11 05:18
acpbl25樓太神啦 08/11 05:18
pc080526樓留名 08/11 05:18
flannery012327樓路人是鬼吧…. 08/11 05:18
wookie062128樓留名 咖喱最後四顆三分太太太重要 08/11 05:18
amber41929樓我大路人 08/11 05:18
plutohan30樓咖喱太神了! 08/11 05:18