Walz在從政前擔任過二十年的高中老師 跟 明尼蘇達Mankato West High 的高中足球教練
Mankato West 在Walz接手時二十七連敗
後來三年後 '99年拿到史上第一個明尼蘇達州冠軍
“I have to say, Coach: [you had] way too much reliance on the blitz in ‘99 against Mankato East. You had a strong defensive line. I would have played more press coverage with your corners and dropped the safeties into a Tampa 2 but that’s just me,” he said.
“Sorry – I wanted you to know how I feel every day of the NBA season.”
「教練,我不得不說:99 年對Mankato East High (Mankato West的死敵) 的比賽中, 你狂call Blitz戰術了。你有很強的防守線。我本來會在底角用更多Press Coverage, 並讓安全衛用 Tampa 2,但我也只是講講而已,你聽聽就好」他說。