your Mayor, I'm speaking from my City Hall office with a very important
announcement. I am proud to share that I have made my decision, and an
agreement has been reached to ensure that our Sixers are staying home.
I wholeheartedly believe this is the right deal for the People of
Philadelphia. To the People of Chinatown, please know that I hear you. We
have the best Chinatown in the United States, and I am committed to working
together to support it. I'll have a lot more to say in a formal presentation
coming soon.
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※ 文章網址:樓洛杉磯湖人也留在洛杉磯 09/19 06:11
→ Hohenzollern2樓七六人和費城市政府要到不錯條件? 09/19 06:22
iammau3樓搬到Camden還是算了吧... 09/19 06:53
→ alfonsosoria4樓費城人完全不care 09/19 07:27
gatsbyhsu5樓費城唐人街什麼時候變成全美最好了?就是堪用而已 09/19 07:44
Celtic88796樓費城市場那麼大 說穿了還是$$$$$ 09/19 07:44
XAMAS7樓費城那麼多隻球隊+上打的好就有機會代言 誰不賺大錢 09/19 07:52
scatliu8樓唐人街跟球隊留下有什麼關係? 09/19 08:08
kilmmy1499樓Kobe的故鄉怎麼可以沒有NBA球隊? 09/19 08:08
lwswjs10樓因為現在費城華人消費力大啊 09/19 08:09
jorden11樓費城人:你誰啊 09/19 08:20
cycy77148912樓費城費城人要搬家怎麼辦? 09/19 08:29
zego4113樓新球場喬好了? 09/19 08:30
ralfeistein14樓奧克蘭:幫…幫復… 09/19 09:01
→ alfonsosoria15樓幫解釋 76本來新球場要蓋在市中心中國城旁邊 但這會 09/19 09:56
→ alfonsosoria16樓嚴重影響中國城的生態 包含交通、停車不便、治安問 09/19 09:56
→ alfonsosoria17樓題等因素 會非常嚴重且負面影響中國城的店家(可參 09/19 09:57
→ alfonsosoria18樓考DC Chinatown在巫師過去以後基本上直接宣告死亡) 09/19 09:58
→ alfonsosoria19樓所以費城中國城的店家大力反對76搬到市中心 後來76 09/19 09:58
→ alfonsosoria20樓才說要離開費城去Jersey 跟華人消費力度無關 請勿造 09/19 09:58
→ alfonsosoria21樓謠 09/19 09:58
lovemost22樓推樓上 09/19 10:01
alfonsosoria23樓至於非華人也是極度反對76在市中心蓋新球場 費城本 09/19 10:04
→ alfonsosoria24樓身交通治安已經很擁擠 中國城那個區塊(鄰近費城cit 09/19 10:04
→ alfonsosoria25樓y hall)基本上是費城最繁忙的地方 再加個76球館根 09/19 10:04
→ alfonsosoria26樓本無法想像會有多糟 大多數居民和球迷都反對 尤其 09/19 10:04
→ alfonsosoria27樓原本76所在的Wells Fargos(因合約到期所以76才有搬 09/19 10:05
→ alfonsosoria28樓家需求)地鐵、停車都很方便 也鄰近Eagles, Phillie 09/19 10:05
→ alfonsosoria29樓s的球場 大家都習慣在那看球了 搬到市中心 光交通 09/19 10:05
→ alfonsosoria30樓停車就是很巨大的問題 沒有人想要在費城市中心看球 09/19 10:05