來源:湖人記者Ryan Ward
https://x.com/RyanWardLA/status/1847531130309718169JJ Redick on the pressure Bronny James deals with off the floor: "He's a very
grounded young man who is very coachable and has a very good head on his
shoulders. Couple conversations that I've had with him just about what it is
like to be him. And I'm sure there's some amazing things that come with being
him. There's probably some hard things that come with being him, too. And I
think he's handled it with a lot of class and grace.
優雅。」"Again, I've said this a number of times, he's a pleasure to coach."
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1729325296.A.D09.html→ Chanlin011樓舔總 10/19 16:09
qwert613102樓沒看過這麼爛的 當然有趣 10/19 16:09
kevenchia3樓想起執教小學的回憶了嗎 10/19 16:09
jones171884樓必須教 不教怎麼坐穩首發? 10/19 16:09
zakijudelo5樓看如何秀下限還能在NBA出賽就覺得有趣? 10/19 16:10
IDL6樓看吧 其他人 不受教不聰明 10/19 16:11
KC907樓湖人舔哥? 10/19 16:11
a12165438樓教練挺聰明的 舔一舔比較抓的牢 10/19 16:13
cloudyst9樓支持B上D下 10/19 16:16
arubis10樓先發有了 10/19 16:17
→ www9017311樓又舔 10/19 16:17
yowhatsupsli12樓是榮幸不是樂趣 10/19 16:21
chriskkk13樓從簽下教練開始這支球隊就注定今年是來搞笑的 10/19 16:21
SilenceWFL14樓發言情商高到靠北欸== 10/19 16:21
r78120715樓舔爆 10/19 16:21
→ Krishna16樓全隊一起舔 10/19 16:21
furjai17樓表示只有小學程度而已 10/19 16:22
ILoveNTR18樓可以教羔羊當然很有趣 10/19 16:23
justice092619樓相比他爸 執教起來更有成就感吧 他爸只會弄教練而已 10/19 16:23
→ justice092620樓幫你煎真的優秀 可謂是出淤泥而不染 濯清漣而不妖 10/19 16:24
→ dustinhuang21樓小學老師教校長兒子的評語 10/19 16:25
samsam8082122樓只差沒說教他是我的榮幸了 10/19 16:25
holyhelm23樓舔總 XD 10/19 16:25
mepass24樓隊友除了練球 還有練習怎麼在媒體面前誇太子 10/19 16:26
hyperfrog25樓舔爛 10/19 16:26
ooxxman26樓不舔就會被鬥走,心酸 10/19 16:27
→ kuchibu27樓賓主盡歡 10/19 16:29
dahlia735728樓洛杉磯布朗尼隊 10/19 16:30
e8e8829樓舔總 笑死XD 10/19 16:30
a51601330樓看他們父子打球也是種樂趣 10/19 16:31