[外絮] 快艇新球場開幕前該知道的事情




The Clippers new $2 billion arena will host its first regular season NBA game

The Intuit dome is instantly one of the world's most technologically advanced
arenas, and owner Steve Ballmer spared no expense when it comes to the fans.

快艇新的20億主場Intuit Dome今晚將會舉辦他的第一場NBA季賽。

Intuit Dome也立刻成為世界上科技最發達的球場之一,而老闆Steve Ballmer對於他的球

Here's what you need to know: 這些是你必須知道的事情

1. Knicks owner James Dolan filed a lawsuit to stop the arena's construction
because he thought it would impact concerts at The Forum, which he owns.

So, rather than arguing about it in court, Steve Ballmer bought The Forum for
$400 million, and the problem disappeared.

尼克老闆James Dolan在球場要開始建設的時候就對快艇發起了訴訟,因為他認為Intuit


(至今我還是覺得這個新聞太猛 你可能不能解決問題 但你可以直接把問題買下來 當億萬

2. The Clippers signed a 23-year, $500 million naming rights deal with Intuit
before the arena even opened.

快艇在球場開幕前就與Intuit(一家金融軟體業者 比較有名的產品就是Turbo Tax)簽訂了

3. The arena has 1,160 toilets—that's three times more than the average NBA
arena, and it means that there is one toilet for every 15 seats.


(雖然聽起來很迷因 但是有在看球的都會知道這是多大的德政 看球每次上廁所連男廁都要
排超久 = =)

4. All concession stands have the same menu to minimize decision-making, and
fans will do contactless checkout via grab-and-go (like Amazon Go stores) to
get fans back into their seats as soon as possible.

所有小賣部都有一樣的菜單所以你比較不會選擇困難,而球迷也可以用Grab and Go無接觸
結帳(跟Amazon Go Store一樣)以加快他們回到位置的速度。(查了一下是球場入場跟所有
消費等等都統一在一個App上面 所以進去拿完就可以直接走人了)

5. The Clippers spent millions to upgrade the city's traffic control system.
This will allow the city to manage traffic signals around the arena from a
central command center, making it easier for fans to enter and leave the
arena on game day without hitting traffic.


6. The Intuit Dome has already secured several big events, like the 2026 NBA
All-Star Game and the 2028 LA Olympics (basketball).

Intuit Dome已經拿下了數個大活動,這其中包含了2026年NBA明星賽與2028年洛杉磯奧運

7. The Clippers built student-section-style seating on one end of the floor.
It has 51 rows of uninterrupted seating from floor to ceiling with no suites
or tiers. Fans aren't allowed to cheer for the other team or wear opponent
apparel, and season tickets are $32/game.

入場 通常票會便宜很多但要持學生證才能購買)。這區有51排到天花板不包含分區或是包

8. The Clippers visited more than 100 venues around the world (Wimbledon,
Tottenham, etc.) to get inspiration for the Intuit Dome.

快艇在建造Intuit Dome之前訪問了世界各地超過100個球場建築(包含溫布頓、托特納姆熱
刺...等等)來獲得Intuit Dome的靈感。

9. The double-sided, 360-degree scoreboard is the size of an acre and will
display advanced stats and analytics throughout the game.

Intuit Dome還有雙面、360度且面積高達一英畝的記分板並會在比賽中呈現進階數據與分

10. Arena seats are heated, have USB ports to charge phones, and have massage
settings. There are also controllers built into the seats so fans can answer
trivia questions for prizes during TV timeouts.


It'll be interesting to see how fans enjoy the experience, but this feels
like a look into the future of sports venues.




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1729718523.A.952.html
crash1211樓好扯啊 快艇球迷有這種老闆真讚 10/24 05:26
Notif5202樓1160個廁所真的是德政 10/24 05:27
KirkSynder3樓看完好心動 希望台灣有一天也能蓋一座(望向辜董 蔡 10/24 05:34
KirkSynder4樓董) 10/24 05:34
CharlesCL5樓感覺就超厲害 10/24 05:35
bloodruru6樓超棒 現代科技的體現 10/24 05:37
paul511347樓簽一堆盤子真的可惜,老闆是好人 10/24 05:38
jorden8樓真讚 10/24 05:39
Myosotis9樓這個主場有1160個廁所 10/24 05:41
ninaman10樓感覺超狂....... 10/24 05:41
jones1718811樓還要知道,可能球場上看不到卡哇伊打球 10/24 05:41
turnpoint12樓廁所在季後賽時很重要 10/24 05:43
ewayne13樓大概以後所有的體育館,至少在座椅,餐飲跟廁所數量 10/24 05:59
ewayne14樓上,都會被球迷要求比照辦理… 10/24 05:59
bingripplw15樓超屌 10/24 06:01
seanmom16樓錢花在刀口上的正確示範 10/24 06:04
akiakira17樓配上面那篇的標題剛好 10/24 06:04
hot41318樓有這老闆的球迷真的幸福 10/24 06:11
myth35619樓好想朝聖 10/24 06:13
BronyXrG20樓除了球星以外都是最頂的 10/24 06:18
v0000121樓廁所真的是很重要 10/24 06:18
lpsobig22樓好屌啊 10/24 06:19
MIKE4423樓看看隔壁夢想... 10/24 06:20
L1ON24樓期待新主場比賽 10/24 06:20
coyoteY25樓好老闆,就簽到院長屬性球員打不出好成績 10/24 06:24
ccas26樓直接把問題買下來好猛~~~ 4億美金也 10/24 06:26
ginopun1047727樓你可以直接把問題買下來 10/24 06:36
k79897686928樓這邊看 一定爽 10/24 06:39
super00929樓以後會不會很多只是買票進來按摩的 10/24 06:43
本人30樓有可能欸 搞不好球場體驗比球賽本身好(Ty 10/24 06:44