[花邊] JJ:不知道LBJ全勤是否符合我們最大利益



JJ Redick on LeBron playing all 82 games: "I don't know if it's in the best in
terest of him and us if he does that."


JJ Redick:


JJ Redick said he told his team and the media that their second-half performan
ce against the Denver Nuggets was an “aberration.”

“It’s looking more and more like it’s not an aberration,” Redick said of L
A’s recent offensive woes.





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1733197805.A.D7E.html
Chanlin011樓丁丁哥還有料嗎 12/03 11:50
Kazmier2樓LBJ:也不想想是誰讓你當主帥的 12/03 11:50
www901733樓不管啦 都是火腿爛 12/03 11:51
Kai8774樓湖人有籤能坦騎嗎 12/03 11:51
e8e885樓JJ有料? 12/03 11:51
foxlula6樓#40歲還想怎樣 #10分紀錄延續 12/03 11:51
ccccccccccc7樓JJ真會做人 台階直接搭好 12/03 11:51
Gentile8樓姆斯開支票 找別人來撕 12/03 11:51
willy9110069樓大膽 主帥 也能收回來 你懂我意思嗎 12/03 11:51
asd0763310樓JJ油料? 12/03 11:51
chihlee556611樓JJ想造反? 12/03 11:51
foxlula12樓問一下湖迷 火腿和JJ誰比較有料? 12/03 11:51
MoWilliams13樓JJ敢冰姆斯嗎? 12/03 11:51
finzaghi14樓輪休比較好 12/03 11:52
axi15樓大膽!放肆!!護駕!!! 12/03 11:52
inuyaksa16樓誰管你們的利益 公公就做好公公該做的事 12/03 11:52
skylion17樓出怪聲 12/03 11:52
a51601318樓不想幹了? 12/03 11:52
kobesniper19樓484造反了姆皇你敢質疑 12/03 11:52
foxlula20樓假如JJ有料的話問題是誰? 12/03 11:52
letmepass21樓JJ 想要下課了嗎 12/03 11:52
usnavyseal22樓這是要政變嗎?大膽!太子快護駕 12/03 11:52
yasionl23樓先打預防針 12/03 11:52
ksk051624樓想排 12/03 11:53
gigiii113425樓老害群出來說話啊,KG不是很愛譴責輪休 12/03 11:53
sallyhelp26樓看JJ先下台還是山羌先輪休 12/03 11:53
gallaghertw27樓會不會JJ帶的戰績比火腿還爛 12/03 11:53
kobesniper28樓想排排不了可憐 12/03 11:53
LukaDoncic7729樓要確耶,不打直接少一場捏 12/03 11:53
qpeter30樓該休息 教練要做決定吧 不然有上場就不能斷紀錄 12/03 11:54