asked Derrick Jones Jr. about playing his former Mavs teammates later this m
onth and it led to an incredible exchange.
“I want to win, no matter who is in front of me. I told you before, if my mom
is down there, I'm dunking on her. I don't matter. I'm gonna get a stop on my
mom, my grandmom, my sisters, my sons, it don't matter. If it's a game, I wan
t to win. I ain't trying to lose.”
Me: “Dunking on your mom though?”
“I ain't gonna say it again. Mom's getting punched on. It is what it is.”
@BA_Turner: “Man, if you punch on mom, you know what's coming next. She gonna
get you at the house.”
“Yeah, that's cool. That's cool. I gotta live with that. I gotta live with th
e results of my actions.”
我問了Derrick Jones Jr. 關於這個月底將對上他的前東家小牛隊隊友的比賽,結果我們
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址:樓太狠了8 12/08 06:51
qmaning2樓還好吧 又不是待在小牛很久 12/08 07:01
a268959833樓9分 12/08 07:06
→ 本人4樓其實我一直蠻好奇犢迷對於DJJ離開會不會覺得很傷 12/08 07:34
→ 本人5樓畢竟上個賽季的季後賽破船對決到他們 真的被DJJ的三 12/08 07:35
→ 本人6樓分冷箭射了好幾發 當初真的超氣www 12/08 07:35
→ LeGGoRay7樓我瘋起來連我媽都打(? 12/08 07:36
ssshleo8樓說好不提老母的 12/08 07:38
ThreeNG9樓老母表示:( ̄▽ ̄) 12/08 07:40
asfg46522310樓你到底是要我打他還是打他的媽啊 12/08 07:41
→ asfg46522311樓搞的我好亂啊 12/08 07:41
Gsun12樓那你敢扣9韋嗎? 他可是給你10分的恩人 12/08 07:42
→ yamatai13樓扣我老母 12/08 08:03
Playonenight14樓這我給10分 12/08 08:07
bee1215樓拖鞋牙起來 直接巴頭 12/08 08:16
ymsc3010216樓扣你媽 12/08 08:33
abbei17樓好險你媽不打NBA 12/08 08:37
→ jerrystarks18樓好險你媽不是鉛筆,不然整天哭給你聽 12/08 08:41
jason082919樓好色喔 12/08 08:41
jan5891220樓DJJ爸:看來我需要多準備幾個老婆了 12/08 08:46
iamaq18c21樓XDDDDD 12/08 08:47
oceanway062022樓現在正好有一對父子在打球的 12/08 08:55
billy83092223樓不肖子 12/08 08:56
leito24樓J欲扣 12/08 08:56
eu198625樓DJJ作為POA真的好用 12/08 08:57
ClownT26樓洛杉磯不孝子 12/08 09:01
jesuskobe27樓以前george mikan也說過如果他媽在場上他也一樣一拐 12/08 09:04
→ jesuskobe28樓把她給放倒,工作態度~ 12/08 09:04
www296729樓一直換隊也很辛苦 光有體能在NBA還是不夠 加油 12/08 09:19
Youngwuj30樓媽:關我? 12/08 09:22