The Heat are open to listening to offers for Butler and making a deal if the
proposal is right, league sources told ESPN, and Butler's agent, Bernie Lee,
has indicated in league circles that Butler is open to destinations such as
two of the Texas teams (Houston Rockets and Dallas Mavericks) and the Golden
State Warriors. Butler is a native of Houston, Texas. Above all, though, he
is believed to prefer a win-now title contender in any trade. Teams have also
been informed that Butler intends to opt out of his deal in the offseason and
become a free agent, sources said. The Heat have hovered around the play-in
tournament over the last two seasons, and with Butler's contractual status,
they have been open-minded to trade inquiries.
,Butler的經紀人Bernie Lee,也開了火箭,小牛,跟勇士的名單給熱火,Butler來自
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※ 文章網址:樓感謝龍大分享 原作者果然是Shams 12/10 22:33
fireforce2樓吉巴去圓夢吧 熱火好好養小醬包 12/10 22:34
→ tarantula323樓看誰要換一個更衣室炸彈 12/10 22:36
→ roger26239004樓又老又痛 還有油嗎? 12/10 22:36
WardellSteph5樓火箭勇士都蠻需要的,戰術跑不出來沒有一個穩定的硬 12/10 22:37
→ WardellSteph6樓解點 12/10 22:37
jardon7樓他今年這薪水 有幾個冠軍梯隊吃的下? 12/10 22:37
bluegold8樓湖人不差包換的到嗎 12/10 22:37
Kazmier9樓金塊要不要出手 12/10 22:37
→ gala71015210樓沒有湖跟金的事了 12/10 22:39
wpd11樓勇士該梭哈了吧 12/10 22:39
event12912樓金塊不要想了 莫雷五千萬 全聯盟沒人要接 12/10 22:39
woody10227413樓火箭如果想要 不知道願不願意出Jalen Green 12/10 22:39
woody10227414樓忘記不能交易 感謝龍大補充 12/10 22:41
QoGIVoQ15樓超貴的欸 12/10 22:41
f631246716樓76人拿PG換了 12/10 22:42
kiolp17樓他列的這三隊都很賭 尤其火箭換到撞到 12/10 22:42
就會變成以FVV JSJ為主體或搭配選秀權的包裹 火箭是真的湊得出薪資包的
a2689598318樓Dlo+文森+八村壘+Max+Reddish 12/10 22:42
nt88024519樓76人上 12/10 22:44
DDDDing20樓我牛應該沒什麼籌碼= = 12/10 22:44
siegfriedlin21樓巴特勒的打法適合哪一隊? 12/10 22:45
jardon22樓看起來火箭機會最大吧 有短約薪資包+不錯的年輕戰力 12/10 22:45
conqueror50723樓跟湖人換姆斯 12/10 22:45
→ jardon24樓+籤,看起來完美 12/10 22:45
→ jardon25樓火箭包什麼都照顧到了 12/10 22:45
PTTerzy26樓金塊有一個頂薪雙能衛 熱火要了吧 12/10 22:46
UD30527樓看來會成喔 12/10 22:46
qqbjtwins28樓也覺得金塊蠻適合他的 但爛約太多 應該無法 12/10 22:48
f7792829樓但士官長沒有三分 去火箭適合嗎? 12/10 22:48
→ kingroy30樓FVV好像有冷凍期?今年暑假剛簽的,應該還有幾天? 12/10 22:48