[情報] VC: LBJ每場35分鐘太久了 該找時間休息





Vince Carter的逐字稿
He's playing too many minutes. He's playing too many darn minutes. I actually
was covering that game and he was playing 35-something minutes, and I'm all
for him playing every game. That's not the thing, but playing 35 minutes, I
just felt like it was a lot and it's natural. I can tell you. It wears on you
regardless of what your mind, your body is talking to you saying, “Okay, we
need to slow back."

So obviously, you take practice time off. We know he doesn’t like to miss
practice and he wants to play in game and he’s playing to win. I get it but
maybe not 35 minutes. Maybe you preserve him and preserve him in the first
half and play your bigger minute and you know in the second half when he gets
better. So i just feel like you have to find time to dial him back because do
you need LeBron James more in the beginning of the season when AD’s playing
like this? Or do you need him from the middle to the back end of the year, I
think you need him in the backend.

因為你需要是賽季初期時的LeBron? (當AD表現得這麼好)
還是在賽季中後期時更需要他? 我認為你在賽季後期更需要他。


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1733910927.A.BA8.html
axi1樓忠言逆耳 12/11 17:57
wayne01202樓多出來的時間上幫你煎,一舉兩得 12/11 17:57
julian423樓減少上埸時間數據會難看 12/11 17:58
ouka4樓幫你煎熟了再讓老漢享用 12/11 17:58
ohkkweining5樓明明就有休息 12/11 17:58
ohkkweining6樓上場35分代表有近17分鐘在休欸 12/11 17:58
e8e887樓放慢腳步~ 12/11 17:58
basala54178樓板凳最適合 12/11 17:58
gigiii11349樓VC講這個比其他老害有資格 12/11 17:58
ko37332810樓跪詹為了刷10分是不需要休息的 12/11 17:58
gigiii113411樓不過他比較像是想要活到老達到老目標還是不太一樣 12/11 17:59
chihlee556612樓每場任務(0/10) 12/11 17:59
ifyoutry13樓那要他肯接受比如說15/5/5這種數據。 12/11 17:59
gigiii113414樓不然比照他的調整方式打到45歲甚至48歲應該沒問題 12/11 18:00
qpeter15樓時間壓縮了 刷10分的容錯率就降低了 紀錄斷了誰擔負 12/11 18:01
aegisWIsL16樓沒刷到10分你負責嗎 12/11 18:01
lp123gbaj17樓湖人的防守回合老漢都在叉腰休息啊 哪有沒休息 12/11 18:01
a2820026618樓老人說話了 看來是心有戚戚焉 12/11 18:01
mirac1e19樓重點不是上場35分鐘 是為了刷10分才上場35分鐘 12/11 18:02
Aether1320樓好了啦 你這種到退休都不上奪冠列車的懂什麼腿詹 12/11 18:02
squalljack21樓JJ有料好嗎?VC有JJ懂籃球嗎? 12/11 18:02
ABiao022022樓中肯 但數據比較重要 12/11 18:02
LaLFGF23樓換幫你煎也不錯 反正都是上去當敗分王 12/11 18:03
kc942024樓沒了數據到時要怎麼自稱GOAT 很不方便 這樣不行 12/11 18:03
LaLFGF25樓老跪王 換 靠勢王 都一樣可以敗 12/11 18:04
benson121226樓VC人真好 但姆斯上次30分鐘才勉強10分 紀錄斷掉怎辦 12/11 18:04
r78120727樓減少時間怎麼刷 12/11 18:05
fantasyhorse28樓還45歲勒,繼續吹 12/11 18:07
nt88024529樓真的該降到30分鐘以下 12/11 18:09
kickvsbrad30樓你是LBJ嗎 12/11 18:09