[外絮] Damian Lillard和Adidas簽訂終身合約




Milwaukee Bucks star Damian Lillard has agreed to a lifetime contract extensio
n with Adidas, sources told ESPN on Wednesday.

As Lillard's deal with Adidas expired during last offseason, his representativ
e, Aaron Goodwin of Goodwin Sports Management, has been negotiating a new deal
with company officials.

Lillard starred alongside Giannis Antetokounmpo to help lead the Bucks to the
NBA Cup championship on Tuesday night in Las Vegas. Lillard is averaging 25.7
points, 7.5 assists, 4.5 rebounds and 1 steal per game this season.

據消息人士週三向ESPN透露,密爾瓦基公鹿隊球星Damian Lillard已與Adidas達成一份終

Lillard與Adidas的合約在上個休賽季結束時到期,其經紀人Aaron Goodwin,隸屬於Good
win Sports Management一直在與Adidas公司高層洽談新的合約。

週二晚上,Lillard與Giannis Antetokounmpo聯手,幫助公鹿隊在拉斯維加斯贏得NBA CU

Lillard joins LeBron James and Kevin Durant (Nike) and Stephen Curry (Under Ar
mour/Curry Brand) as active NBA players with lifetime shoe endorsement contrac
ts. Goodwin also negotiatied the initial Nike deals for James and Durant.

The 34-year-old now will exceed $600 million in career salaries from his on-co
urt and shoe contracts.

A member of the NBA's Top 75 greatest list and an eight-time All-Star, Lillard
has been a member of Adidas from the moment he entered the league in 2012. Li
llard, who played his first first 11 seasons with the Trail Blazers, has cemen
ted himself as a staple in the Portland community, and through Adidas has many
initiatives in his second home.

Adidas announced this year that it named the gymnasium court at the company's
headquarters after Lillard.

Lillard加入LeBron James和Kevin Durant(Nike),以及Stephen Curry(Under Armour
/Curry Brand)的行列,成為現役NBA球員中擁有終身球鞋代言合約的一員。Lillard的經
紀人Aaron Goodwin此前也曾為James和Durant談判了最初的Nike合約。




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1734552209.A.130.html
Hohenzollern1樓我和咖哩都有球鞋終生合約! 12/19 04:08
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