[情報] Kerr:我們季初狀態很好 現在陷入低潮




Steve Kerr: “We’ve lost some confidence. You can feel it. We had a great vibe
early in the season and we’re going through it right now… I believe we’re goi
ng to get this thing turned around.”



“In fairness to our guys, we’ve been all over the map this year. Rotation wise
… I’m well aware of that and it’s hard as a player to not know how many minut
es you’re going to get. The reality is we’re searching.”

Steve Kerr after he was asked how he can get more from the second unit



Steve Kerr says resting Steph Curry in one of the next two games — a back to ba
ck at Clippers and home against Phoenix — is something Warriors will take a loo
k. Sounds like Curry could rest one of the games after playing nearly 36 minute
s ad a “hard” 36 as Kerr put it.




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1735188537.A.59B.html
Sessyoin1樓哪有低潮 明明很嗨 12/26 12:50
henry6542樓 12/26 12:50
chinhan12163樓不要讓schroder跟Curry同時上 12/26 12:51
WinDeity4樓嘴綠那個往旁邊看一下太好笑了 12/26 12:51
e8e885樓帕子:該輪到我表現了 12/26 12:51
sammy50626樓每年狀況都很混亂,不是只有今年 12/26 12:51
yueyi3137樓還不是你亂搞?那什麼輪替方式?反正有事小將背鍋 12/26 12:51
yueyi3138樓 12/26 12:52
kobegary349樓等等會變都是教練的問題嗎 12/26 12:52
LADKUO5610樓Buddy季初不是很猛 怎麼現在都抓去當第六人 12/26 12:52
sammy506211樓他是有問題,但是換一個也不會好到哪裡去 12/26 12:53
thewtf12樓73亞好棒棒 12/26 12:53
K95175313樓上一季死要用老人 這季死要十幾人輪替 12/26 12:54
shulado14樓科學家 12/26 12:54
NTU5566NTHU15樓電梯戰術 電梯向下 12/26 12:55
k221577716樓記得之前說的是勇賽戰力獨一檔啊 咦咦咦! 12/26 12:55
Kai87717樓不就你自己搞出來的嗎 12/26 12:56
jason91115218樓 12/26 12:56
kawai94519樓樓上也有八弟循環 哈哈 12/26 12:57
alan523200020樓柯爾調度 懂得都懂 12/26 12:58
toeic90021樓可以慢慢找到咖哩退休沒關係 12/26 12:58
Tmmontal22樓到底有沒有要交易 12/26 12:59
EXUAN23樓咖巴兄弟、德州咖哩 12/26 12:59
jameslin51024樓8神!! 12/26 13:00
winnerdinner25樓我也看得出來 XD 12/26 13:00
hunt556626樓我們有八弟了! ya 12/26 13:01
sampsonlu91927樓念你是一代宗師+波波禪師雙弟子,辭職吧 12/26 13:01
iamaq18c28樓不就你害的 12/26 13:03
cm22360029樓過譽教練 李凱爾 德軟都被他弄廢 12/26 13:05
k145388830樓Kerr不走勇士永遠沒機會 12/26 13:06