Curry is OUT tomorrow vs the Clippers.
Draymond Green is QUESTIONABLE for the Warriors.
Stephen Curry將缺席明天對快艇的比賽
Draymond Green則是Questionable Kerr says resting Steph Curry in one of the next two games — a back to ba
ck at Clippers and home against Phoenix — is something Warriors will take a loo
k. Sounds like Curry could rest one of the games after playing nearly 36 minute
s and a “hard” 36 as Kerr put it.
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※ 文章網址:樓能量條空了 12/27 09:37
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aegisWIsL19樓嘴綠上了也會把自己搞下場 還是不要上了吧 12/27 09:48
TradePau20樓舔哥可以上了 12/27 09:48
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shino9599523樓懇求嘴師父放過我艇.... 12/27 09:51
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alex872526樓咖哩上會輸去問Kerr啊 那種我阿嬤都能看出來的戰術 12/27 09:55
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