[花邊] Luka Doncic的住家遭闖空門




The Dallas home of Mavs star Luka Doncic was burglarized Friday, according to a
police report.

“No one was home at the time and thankfully Luka and his family are safe," his
business manager Lara Beth Seager said. "Luka has filed a police report and an i
nvestigation is ongoing."



The NBA recently issued a warning via memo to all of its players about a wave of
break-ins of athletes' homes, including Milwaukee's Bobby Portis Jr. and NFL st
ars Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce.

聯盟最近才發備忘錄提醒球員,近期有些運動員的住家遭人闖入,包括Bobby Portis、Patr
ick Mahomes和Travis Kelce。

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1735434968.A.B05.html
yungkan1樓受傷家又被偷 最近真倒霉啊 12/29 09:17
LukaDoncic772樓哭啊 12/29 09:17
joexnozomi3樓美國日常??? 12/29 09:17
jason9111524樓球員的行蹤被掌握的一清二楚 12/29 09:17
n36885樓0元購 12/29 09:18
MK476樓一直偷一直爽 都抓不到 12/29 09:19
pagenotfound7樓最近美國有犯罪集團,透過鎖定追蹤球員社交軟體及 12/29 09:19
pagenotfound8樓球隊賽程等,專門闖球員家空門 12/29 09:20
joexnozomi9樓德州應該沒零元購吧 12/29 09:20
MDAISUKE1810樓有夠恐怖 12/29 09:21
cashman79511樓職業運動員比賽時間一定不在家 行程超好掌握 12/29 09:21
asfg46522312樓犢最近好衰禁賽ㄧ堆人受傷也ㄧ堆人還被闖空門 12/29 09:21
thindust13樓隔壁mlb合約還可以附保全 12/29 09:23
carey111914樓好奇頂級球星家有那麼容易被闖嗎? 12/29 09:23
MK4715樓德州不可能0元購吧 之前不是有搶華人商店被開槍XD 12/29 09:25
basketone16樓攤手 12/29 09:30
janptt12417樓沒僱用保全嗎? 12/29 09:31
tomoti18樓球員到處跑,可是家人沒有吧,很恐怖 12/29 09:31
MDAISUKE1819樓保全系統? 12/29 09:32
Kazmier20樓德州還蠻右的。不像加州那樣 12/29 09:32
RushMonkey21樓德州這麼悍的州 誰敢零元購等等吃子彈… 12/29 09:33
AAAdolph22樓是不是有內鬼啊,球員個資全洩 12/29 09:39
hunt556623樓瓜哥不開展一下業務嗎?居家安全之類的 12/29 09:43
Royalweger24樓一堆職業運動員被闖空門484集團犯罪啊 12/29 09:51
ji394up25樓德州很紅,但達拉斯其實很藍的,基本跟舊金山沒兩 12/29 09:51
ji394up26樓 12/29 09:52
Royalweger27樓大城市偏藍吧,要移居應該都會挑大城市87趴是藍州來 12/29 09:54
Royalweger28樓的,我猜 12/29 09:54
nnbak8555129樓這種的就不是那種零元購了 這種是專業從南美那邊來 12/29 10:04
nnbak8555130樓的竊盜集團 專門進屋暴竊名人球星的家 12/29 10:04