The Los Angeles Lakers have agreed on a trade sending D’Angelo Russ
ell, Maxwell Lewis and three second-round picks to the Brooklyn Nets for Doria
n Finney-Smith and Shake Milton, sources told ESPN.
DLO/Maxwell Lewis/三個二輪換DFS/Milton
好啊 我熊又沒東西了
The Lakers are sending their own second-round picks in 2027, 2030 and 2031 to
the Nets, sources said.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址:樓?? 12/30 01:14
HockeyOTL2樓居然! 12/30 01:14
aa01081008tw3樓???? 12/30 01:14
→ Marshalkobe24樓DLO又回去了 12/30 01:14
joexnozomi5樓?!! 12/30 01:14
johnny52co6樓阿? 12/30 01:14
ROXSMEB7樓Russell又從湖人去籃網 笑死 12/30 01:14
jsliao97868樓dlo湖人到籃網 第二次 12/30 01:14
GodMune06089樓呃 那這樣籃網不就又要起飛 12/30 01:15
r4462110樓人心終究是要回到 12/30 01:15
TheoEpstein11樓佩總果然只肯幹大事www 12/30 01:15
stitch59912樓DLO…..哭 12/30 01:15
Crissangel13樓Dlo又... 12/30 01:15
wsx8958946814樓被攔湖拉,恐怖湖人 12/30 01:15
→ EZ7815樓DLo又被湖人交易到籃網 笑死 12/30 01:15
FAYeeeeeeee16樓還會有交易吧 GV能控嗎 持球手不足 12/30 01:15
r78120717樓DLo又被交易到籃網啦 12/30 01:15
→ jsliao978618樓dlo上次在籃網打出生涯年 不知道這次 12/30 01:16
aheartcool19樓湖人賺爛 12/30 01:16
→ Crissangel20樓DFS有這麼香? 12/30 01:16
→ EZ7821樓這齣我看過 明年他要去勇士了 12/30 01:16
patrick12322樓又回到籃網囉 12/30 01:16
mscmobitai23樓誰虧誰賺? 12/30 01:16
wai080624樓dlo還是被蛋雕了 12/30 01:16
surefour25樓回家囉 12/30 01:16
→ losa26樓DLO賣掉了XDDD 12/30 01:16
MK4727樓居然是湖人先下手XD 12/30 01:16
love150027428樓????????????????????? 12/30 01:17
b873909129樓Dlo明年預約全明星 12/30 01:17
A00610lol30樓換不到cam 就是虧 12/30 01:17