[外絮] Bryce James現況評估



Bryce James, son of LeBron James, commits to Arizona Wildcats


Bryce James, the son of NBA legend LeBron James, kicked off the New Year by comm
itting to Arizona, multiple sources have confirmed to 247Sports.

Bryce James,NBA傳奇球星LeBron James的兒子,於新年時宣布選擇加盟亞利桑那大學,這

The youngest son of LeBron James and brother of class of 2023 McDonald's All-Ame
rican Bronny James is a 6-foot-4 shooting guard out of Chatsworth (Calf.) Sierra
Canyon. The three-star prospect is rated among the top-50 shooting guards in th
e class of 2025.

LeBron James的最小兒子、2023年麥當勞全美高中明星賽成員Bronny James的弟弟,是來自
加州Chatsworth Sierra Canyon的6尺4吋得分後衛。這位三星的潛力新星在2025屆的得分後

James is a plus-athlete who has the potential to be a jump shooter from deep at
the next level. During the summer, James averaged 8.2 points and 2.4 rebounds a
game for his Strive For Greatness club team on the Nike EYBL circuit. As a junio
r at Sierra Canyon, James played in a reserve role, averaging just over six poin
ts a contest. However, he did make 38.5% of his three-point attempts on the year
, according to Synergy.

夏天,James在Nike EYBL巡迴賽中,為Strive For Greatness俱樂部隊平均貢獻8.2分與2.4
個籃板。作為Sierra Canyon的三年級生,James擔任替補角色,平均每場得分略超過6分。

The 17-year-old traveled to Tucson to visit the Wildcats in November. At this po
int in his development, the possible late-bloomer projects to be a developmental
prospect for Tommy Lloyd and his staff.

位可能的遲開花選手預計將成為Tommy Lloyd教練及其教練團的培養對象。

247Sports Director of Scouting Adam Finkelstein provides this scouting report of

247Sports的球探主管Adam Finkelstein對James的評價如下:

"Bryce James is the son of Lebron James and that means, like his older brother B
ronny, he's under the microscope. Bryce needs to be given time and space to run
his own race though. He may not be the dynamic athlete or playmaker some expect
at first, but he is a fundamentally sound player with solid perimeter size and a
good early skill-set. He possesses clear shooting potential with naturally soft
touch, compact release, and the ability to make both threes and pull-ups. His l
eft hand is advanced for his age and he also has a good early understanding of t
he game. Physically, he has a solid build for an underclassman, but is still jus
t growing into his body a bit and so far from a finished product."

「Bryce James是LeBron James的兒子,這意味著像他的哥哥Bronny一樣,他將會受到極大


分享給大家看看~ 大家看好二皇子嗎?

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rothanlin1樓不要成為籃球員比較好 01/03 18:53
wwckchen2樓這身高跟打法感覺會比幫你煎強? 01/03 18:54
bm10416443樓詹迷77 01/03 18:54
payton712134樓我糊要了 01/03 18:54
payton712135樓不來煎 01/03 18:55
D77LUKA6樓你好,我爸是姆獅 01/03 18:55
pcfox7樓二阿哥 01/03 18:56
l2l8樓運動力不足 只看能不能成為高球商型球員了 01/03 18:56
turnpoint9樓一直強調投射,是暗示他的運動能力不好嗎? 01/03 18:57
s2406677410樓好像只有espn給他四星 01/03 18:58
ken72033111樓死忠的 01/03 18:58
shellback12樓姆斯多撐個幾年不退休 才有機會 01/03 18:58
RodrigueZ81013樓湖人快清格子 有個落選秀需要保障約 01/03 18:59
Puye14樓身材比較好 但同年紀哥哥比較強 01/03 18:59
hcl0015樓他運動能力輸他哥很多吧 只有體型贏 01/03 19:00
ankai16樓ID正確 01/03 19:01
st89028417樓湖人四年約準備好了 01/03 19:02
ankai18樓不太看好 幫你煎高中那時候真的有打出成績來 01/03 19:02
Ensidia19樓他跟他哥兩個人拆了兩爸的天賦 一人分一半 01/03 19:03
Ensidia20樓他有身高 哥哥有運動能力 老詹兩個都有 01/03 19:03
ellisteng14521樓他比布朗尼弱多了 布朗尼高中好歹是主力 他只是替 01/03 19:03
ankai22樓雖然只有一家給他五星 但至少有五星認證 01/03 19:03
ellisteng14523樓 01/03 19:03
Ensidia24樓YT很多影片啊 移動力很差 現在的META沒活路 01/03 19:04
PTTerzy25樓我知道他的價值了 很努力 01/03 19:04
alex872526樓不來煎XD 01/03 19:04
conqueror50727樓阿肥:不就跟我一樣 01/03 19:05
akko7681528樓先發詹家父子先佔三格了 你糊保重 01/03 19:05
conqueror50729樓這個還是去開發球商吧 01/03 19:05
conqueror50730樓姆斯球商那麼高,多學幾招來用 01/03 19:06