[花邊] AE:我只有23歲,不想整晚都在傳球




Pretty much the entirety of Anthony Edwards's postgame media was him talking
about his frustration with the way teams are putting two on him, taking away
his opportunities to be a scorer and forcing him to get off the ball.

"It's not how I want to play, of course. I'm only 23, I don't wanna just be
passing the ball all night... But the way they're guarding me, I think I have

How hard is it to stay engaged when they do that?

"Super hard, super hard, super hard, super hard. Because I'm wired to score
the ball."



當他們這樣做時,我要參與進攻超難 超難 超難 超難(說了4次),我想要得分


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1735956837.A.AA5.html
jerry2131樓他確實傳球視野普普 01/04 10:14
ARTORIA2樓包就對了 01/04 10:14
zx78606013樓這樣是指自己突破能力不足? 01/04 10:15
jefg44樓Curry:First time?? 01/04 10:15
pooroo5樓老大傳人 01/04 10:16
www901736樓球交給我我來搞定的意思? 01/04 10:16
abbei7樓老大:嫩,我三夾內都是空檔 01/04 10:16
guesswho8樓季賽包你是為你好 01/04 10:16
laygoyolo9樓包夾 安排! 01/04 10:17
SaintSeven10樓只想學喇叭沾濕刷分? 01/04 10:17
YellowTiger11樓就 練吧 01/04 10:17
happyaw12樓老大只會打鐵的咖不要拿出來提好嗎? 01/04 10:17
zero781013樓看看老爸跟Kobe怎麼做的 加油好嗎 01/04 10:18
kobest14樓現代喬丹這種發言有夠丟臉 被守到心態崩了 01/04 10:18
BOSTONstyle15樓犢季後賽都示範過了 如何破解包夾是他現在重要課題 01/04 10:18
taikonkimo16樓去年季後賽就顯示這個缺點了....看來還是沒改善 01/04 10:18
samsam8082117樓這發言有老大精神 01/04 10:18
cidcheng18樓去年季後賽就這樣,他不太會破包夾 01/04 10:19
samsam8082119樓就是想要幹 01/04 10:19
shin092420樓??? 01/04 10:19
taikonkimo21樓不想傳球 那就練到三夾內都可以出手阿 01/04 10:19
yashiky201022樓沒辦法破包夾上限就在那邊了 01/04 10:19
Royalweger23樓意思就是叫狼找個控衛吧 01/04 10:20
bengowa24樓老大:三夾之內皆空檔 01/04 10:20
Myosotis25樓這跟你幾歲有什麼關係? 01/04 10:21
Notif52026樓老大:三夾之內皆是空檔 01/04 10:22
Benbenyale27樓沒前十的潛力還是乖乖傳 01/04 10:22
edwinrw28樓老大:三夾之內皆空檔 01/04 10:22
ouyt29樓老大也不傳球阿 屌打你太多 01/04 10:22
hunt556630樓問就是曼巴 01/04 10:23