[外絮] Lebron James爆發的原因:Bronny James



Lakers' LeBron James Posts Photo of Bronny Celebrating vs. Blazers: 'My Purpose'


Bronny James is living out his NBA dreams alongside his father with the Los Ange
les Lakers.

Bronny James正在洛杉磯湖人隊與父親一起實現他的NBA夢想。

Bronny got to see LeBron James at his best on Thursday as the star veteran poste
d 38 points and eight assists on 7-of-10 from deep in a 114-106 win over the Por
tland Trail Blazers. After the game, James shared the motivation behind the big
scoring night.

週四,在湖人隊以114比106擊敗波特蘭拓荒者的比賽中,LeBron James展現了自己的最佳狀

He posted a picture of his son celebrating on the bench with the caption "My pur



While many former NBA players have seen their kids eventually make it to the NBA
, no other player can say they played alongside their son. The James family is t
he only father-son duo in league history to play on the same team.


Perhaps having Bronny on the Lakers is keeping James spry, as he's continued to
beat Father Time this season. James, who just turned 40, is averaging 23.9 point
s, 8.9 assists and 7.6 rebounds per game.


While his athleticism has declined over the years, he's continued to stay sharp
on the court and has developed different aspects of his game.


Bronny hasn't seen much action with the Lakers this season, appearing in just se
ven games, but he's started to find his footing in the G League.


Across seven games in the G League Tip-Off Tournament, Bronny averaged 13.4 poin
ts, 3.4 assists and three rebounds per game. He's performed better in his two re
gular-season games with South Bay, averaging 19 points, eight rebounds, 5.5 assi
sts and two steals per contest.


If he continues to play at that level, he could get to spend more time on the co
urt with his father.




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1735983782.A.F42.html
l2l1樓可憐老父全場奔跑 就為了能讓兒子多上幾秒鐘 01/04 17:43
jason9111522樓77愛了愛了 01/04 17:44
benson12123樓籃球員激勵師 幫你煎 01/04 17:44
hui0008074樓笑死 沒拼老命打到垃圾時間還不知道該怎麼讓這精子 01/04 17:44
hui0008075樓上場 01/04 17:44
joulin6樓布朗尼放在場邊 試催化劑 刺激老詹 01/04 17:46
slowsoul19987樓777777777 01/04 17:46
nt8802458樓幫你煎 01/04 17:47
Blackie92119樓老詹今天表現酸不了 只能狂po布朗尼的文 01/04 17:48
dora102410樓補師 靈氣up 01/04 17:48
tomlin12128311樓ID正確 01/04 17:53
d6235312樓有這種爸爸,幫你煎真的有夠爽 01/04 17:53
axi13樓老羌要好好保養啊 別忘了還有Bryce 01/04 17:54
langeo14樓只要布朗尼有上場都是在創造父子合拿的紀錄阿 01/04 17:57
GleybeTorres15樓ID正確 今天怎麼都發文不推文 01/04 17:58
p89008916樓一樓超哭 01/04 17:59
www9017317樓幫你煎山羌 01/04 17:59
GymRat18樓不演了 01/04 18:03
heyjude111819樓其實先發都+- +10以上,姆斯+4,少打一點才對 01/04 18:04
r78120720樓就是煮 幫你煎 01/04 18:04
Jason081321樓悟空跟悟飯 01/04 18:07
greedfat22樓溫馨,天天隨隊吧 01/04 18:12
TorukMakto23樓LD77 ,噗 01/04 18:13
heyjude111824樓古有黃香暖被,今有幫你煎温凳 01/04 18:17
ghostxx25樓可以理解 01/04 18:25
Sessyoin26樓你又忘記噗了 01/04 18:26
dick7014027樓邦尼上Buff 01/04 18:26
macbook1228樓詹凰為子祈禱文 01/04 18:27
pieceofcake29樓湖人賺翻了 好險有選布朗尼 01/04 18:31
pieceofcake30樓組出James三連星預約總冠軍 01/04 18:32