[情報] Chuck: 湖人爛透了(完整逐字稿)






Ernie: So you said as we began the night, Chuckster, as Dallas played without
Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving, this was all about the Lakers.
我們今晚提到的,Chuckster,既然獨行俠少了 Luka和Kyrie 這場比賽是在考驗湖人隊

Chuck: And the Lakers proved to what I keep saying, the Lakers stink, plain
and simple. We have to talk about them because the media is infatuated with
the Lakers. But the Lakers are not a good team. They got zero athletic ability
I mean, when you watch them, Jason Kidd coached a masterpiece tonight. He like
we can go one-on-one, get any shot we want. They got a good shot every time
the Lakers could never keep them in front of them.
This was a coaching masterpiece by Jason Kidd because there's no way that team,
the Lakers, that the Mavs put out there, especially one winning by 20.

Kenny: I mean, any masterpiece that he put together, honestly, shouldn't have
been able to come up with it. Because one, not only that, they're struggling
right now. They lost 5 in a row before tonight. So it's not like they're
coming in with some confidence and continuity. They lost 5 in a row.

Ernie: And they lost their last 10 when Luka and Kyrie were out. And they
haven't won a game without those guys in the last ten. So to me, the Lakers,
that is a...

Chuck: The Lakers are not any good. 湖人根本就不行。
Ernie: Like I said before, last thing, Shaq, you gotta either... You can't
give the excuse you didn't know the game plan because these guys stepped up.
You have to always put your foot down and say, no, you can't stop our game
plan. Forget what you're gonna do, who's coming in picking roles or whatever.
Whatever you do, you can't stop A.D., LeBron, and I'll connect and all that
and Reaves at what we do.
就像我之前說的,最後一點,Shaq,你必須要... 你不能拿「不知道對手戰術」當藉口,
無論如何,你們不能阻止 AD、LeBron 和我找到默契,以及 Reaves發揮他的作用。

Shaq: I actually thought it was gonna be the other way around. Just LeBron
and A.D. on the floor, the Lakers up by 20. But you hear this term thrown
around all the time. They play down to their competition. And again, it's
very difficult sometimes to get up for the guy that's not that guy. But
Dallas, listen, Chuck's been saying this. I've been here 12 years. He's been
saying it 12 years. Everybody in the NBA can play. Everybody has pride.
Dallas played at home. The fans got behind them, and they played well. And
the Lakers laterally defense is terrible.
我原本以為會是另一種情況。只要 LeBron和 AD上場,湖人就能輕鬆領先 20 分。
但獨行俠聽著,Chuck 一直都在說這句話。我已經在這12年了,NBA的每支球隊都能打球


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1736308324.A.173.html
sleepdog561樓完整版推 01/08 11:53
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melzard10樓當然是戰術問題吧 人家沒巨星 你有 結果被對面打爆 01/08 11:56
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f993201727樓Kidd戰術就是往死裡打AR啊 01/08 12:04
axi28樓老羌有NTC 動不了 01/08 12:04
ohsho6229樓看火箭騎士雷霆灰熊,真的不要再捧老球星了 01/08 12:06
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