[花邊] 字母哥:蜜豆湯去替補能讓他更做自己




After the game, Antetokounmpo and Lillard thought the move would be helpful
for Middleton, and the Bucks, going forward. Antetokounmpo: "It gives him a
lot of freedom to be himself, to operate. Sometimes maybe, not on purpose,
maybe when we are all three on the starting lineup we kind of clog, we kind
of muck the game up, we hold the ball too much, the ball doesn't move as
much. I feel like he just gives us more depth on the bench when he comes off
the bench. But at the end of the day it doesn't matter who comes off the
bench, who starts the game. One of my coaches always told me that what
matters who finishes the game, who plays the last eight minutes of the game.
So, no matter if he starts or doesn't start, he's definitely going to finish
the game because he's a player with a very high IQ who can make shots, get
into good plays, can defend. It's just good to have him out there competing
with us."











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