[外絮] Kawhi Leonard在Palisades的家完全沒有被燒到




Kawhi Leonard Home Untouched During Wildfires

Kawhi Leonard的家在野火中完全沒事


Kawhi Leonard is one of the lucky ones amid the devastating Los Angeles
wildfires ... as his home in the Pacific Palisades is still intact.

TMZ Sports obtained a photo of Leonard's home taken on Wednesday .... and
outside of some apparent ash layering the mansion, it is seemingly unharmed.
We're told as of Thursday, it remains the same.

在洛杉磯肆虐的野火災情中,Kawhi Leonard是幸運的一位...他位於Pacific Palisades的

TMZ Sports獲得了一張週三拍攝的Leonard豪宅照片...除了豪宅表面似乎覆蓋了一層灰燼

t's gotta be a huge sigh of relief for the Klaw ... as others in the area
were less fortunate -- including Lakers head coach JJ Redick, whose Palisades
house was lost due to the fires.

對The Klaw來說,這一定讓他鬆了一大口氣...因為該地區的其他人就沒那麼幸運了
--包括湖人隊總教練JJ Redick,他在Palisades的房子已在大火中損毀。

So far, the blaze has taken out 17,124 acres ... with 0% containment,
according to Cal Fire.

Leonard stepped away from the Clippers to be with his family as they
evacuated this week ... and the NBA champ got full support from his team,
including head coach Tyronn Lue.

There is no timetable for Leonard's return to the court -- he made his season
debut on Saturday after recovering from a knee injury ... and has appeared in
two games.


Tyronn Lue。


Since the fires broke out on Tuesday, tons of Hollywood Stars have seen their
pads go up in flames. Paris Hilton, Billy Crystal and John Goodman have all
fallen victim to the Palisades fire.

Olympic swimmer Gary Hall Jr.'s home was also lost to the blaze ... as well
as his prized medals from his successful career.

Leonard purchased the Palisades home for $17.1 million in 2021.

自從週二火災爆發以來,許多好萊塢明星的豪宅已被大火吞噬。Paris Hilton、Billy
Crystal和John Goodman都成為了Pasalides大火的受害者。

奧運游泳選手Gary Hall Jr.的房子也在大火中損毀...包括他輝煌職業生涯中獲得的珍貴



整座山 整個社區都燒光了 然後就他家沒事 運氣也太好

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1736483631.A.0A9.html
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