The New Orleans Pelicans have suspended Zion Williamson for one game for a viola
tion of team policies.
Zion Williamson was late for Thursday's team flight to Philadelphia, leading the
Pelicans to suspend him for tonight's game against the 76ers, sources said.
Zion 因在前往費城的航班遲到,以至鵜鶘在對戰76人一戰禁賽他
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)※ 文章網址:樓沒簽聯絡簿???? 01/11 06:20
brianbeiman2樓又多吃炸雞漢堡了嗎 01/11 06:21
→ EZ783樓笑死 是因為遲到 01/11 06:22
→ EZ784樓@Joel Embiid 01/11 06:22
locdan5樓吃炸雞? 01/11 06:23
axi6樓為了炸雞而遲到? 01/11 06:27
→ sezna7樓鉛筆: 01/11 06:28
xo455277888樓...遲到所以禁賽 01/11 06:33
Kyrieisme9樓XDDDD 01/11 06:36
anyweather10樓笑死 這個紀律 01/11 06:38
harlan629711樓傻眼 01/11 06:39
greathetzer12樓遲刻魔 01/11 06:41
ken182513樓可憐 01/11 06:43
kimdaphone14樓而且是好幾次,水鳥真會忍 01/11 06:45
EX3715樓得來速也塞車,別這樣 01/11 06:47
toeic90016樓數據好根本沒屁用 01/11 06:47
IokUdiefirst17樓這是真的養壞了吧 寵壞了 01/11 06:48
RamenOwl18樓笑死 01/11 06:49
teeeeee19樓如果只是不小心又是球隊看板應該不會搞到禁賽,應 01/11 06:51
→ teeeeee20樓該慣犯了吧……胖虎紀律真的不行 01/11 06:51
ginopun1047721樓馬自達 01/11 06:53
→ x2360236022樓沒紀律又不自律 下去吧啊虎 01/11 06:54
rs600023樓找理由休息? 01/11 06:58
liko767624樓真強 01/11 06:58
→ edwinrw25樓不想上就遲到 01/11 06:59
jorden26樓遲到? 01/11 07:06
→ silentsky55527樓可以再去炸雞店報到了 01/11 07:09
→ jason91115228樓More from Green on Zion: 01/11 07:11
→ jason91115229樓"There were several occasions that led up to t 01/11 07:12
→ jason91115230樓his." 01/11 07:12