[花邊] Marks:現代的中鋒很難拿到大約,除非你




Bobby Marks

So, how much is the 26-year-old ironman Looney going to command on the open mark
et after his career year? He played all 104 games and established himself as a
“championship center” in the words of coach Steve Kerr.

Bobby Marks被問到鐵人Looney這樣的中鋒球員在當今聯盟中的價值

“I would just say that centers don’t get paid these days, unless you’re (NIko
la) Jokic or (Joel) Embiid, or one of these marquee guys,” Marks said. “Even g
uys like (Jusuf) Nurkic with Portland. We’ve see the value of centers be in tha
t $10 to $12 million range for a starting center. I think there’s some separati
on between (Jonas) Valanciunas guys like that, a $12 million guy.

kic和Valanciunas這樣的中鋒就是例子。 我們看到中鋒的價值就是落在1000萬到1200萬美


He’s got early bird rights, meaning Golden State can pay him up to $10.9 millio
n,” Marks said. “Thing is it’s got to be for a minimum of two years. The mid-
level exception – which the majority of teams will have – will be around $10 o
r $10.3 million.

勇士擁有GP2的early bird,可以為他支付1090萬美元的年薪,但必須至少兩年。 大多數球

It’s for me to think that a team goes out and pays Gary Payton more than that.
Four years, $48 million – it would have to be one of these cap space teams, whe
ther it be Detroit or Indiana or San Antonio or Orlando, maybe Portland. It’s h
ard to think they have an appetite at that number.

做,無論是活塞、溜馬、馬刺還是魔術,也許還有拓荒者。 但很難想像他們會對這一數字

For Gary, hey, he’s not a minimum guy anymore, I think we can all agree on that
. I think it’s just a matter – is he an $8 million guy, is he a $10 million gu
y? Is Golden State comfortable playing him $10.5 million here or $10.9 as much a
s they can spend? I think it’s probably shy of where that mid-level number is.

00萬美元? 勇士會為他支付1050萬美元還是最多的1090萬美元? 我認為勇士給他開的價會

Marks also said other teams might be wary of signing Looney and Payton despite t
heir big contributions this past season. They fit what Golden State does and the
y know their role,” Marks said. “When you ask them to do a little bit more, th
ey might struggle.



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kixer200525樓現代就沒人要練腳步啊 腳步好的丑哥鉛筆77多香啊 06/23 16:32
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angel221030樓AL都可以拿2500萬了 為啥阿爹不能領3千萬 06/23 16:36