[外絮] Pelinka透露龜龜尚未決定是否執行球員選項




Although he has been an assistant coach for a lot of years, being a head coach c
omes with a lot of pressure. Additionally, he has the difficult task of managing
LeBron James, Anthony Davis, and Russell Westbrook.


Westbrook in particular will be a tough nut to crack for Ham. Brodie had a subpa
r 2021-22 NBA season and many believe that the Purple & Gold should trade him. N
ow the problem is that Russ has a huge contract and there is a very low chance t
hat any team would be willing to take on that contract.


So the other option for the Lakers is to incorporate him into the team and make
sure to play him to his best abilities. According to Lakers beat writer Jovan Bu
ha, Rob Pelinka and Darvin Ham have had multiple meetings with Russ about his ro
le for the upcoming season. They want him to play with a defense-first mentality

Jovan Buha的報導,Pelinka和Ham已經和龜龜就即將到來的賽季的角色進行了多次會面。他

"Rob Pelinka says he and Darvin Ham have had multiple meetings with Russell West
brook and have been honest about Rus' role on the team and that he needs to be
a defense-first player. He says Westbrook has yet to make a final decision on hi
s player option for the 2022-23 season."


The other half of Buha's tweet revealed that Westbrook is still having second th
oughts about accepting his player option for the 2022-23 NBA season.


But considering the amount of money in question and the fact that Russ might not
get another such lucrative contract in his career, he should accept the player
option. Additionally, with the Lakers eyeing signing Kyrie Irving, it will be mu
ch more helpful for the franchise if Russ accepts his player option.



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1656070284.A.BE0.html
dwiee1樓47m很香欸 跳出去可能剩10m 06/24 19:32
f779282樓執行啊那次不執行 MVP級頂級3D 06/24 19:32
foolishbi3樓龜陣營要考慮甚麼? 真的快要被洗腦成功了嗎XD 06/24 19:32
annela4樓不會到10m吧 龜龜這麼慘了喔 06/24 19:32
lafeelbarth5樓快成功了 加油 06/24 19:32
aa01081008tw6樓怎麼可能不執行..再不爽湖人也不會跟錢過不去吧 06/24 19:32
ste145637樓怎麼可能不執行 06/24 19:33
kickvsbrad8樓防住湖人 加油 06/24 19:33
ppphantasy9樓不執行才是新聞 06/24 19:33
kyleliu200010樓龜龜等等發神經 為了證明自己打臉湖人 跳出球員選 06/24 19:33
kyleliu200011樓項加盟籃網 KI看到後跟著做 反正兩個都不差錢 06/24 19:33
spy007city12樓龜龜再度合體KD 06/24 19:34
glen13樓面試之王 06/24 19:34
kobe3041814樓龜龜哪來的3跟D 06/24 19:34
kraftman15樓面試之王 06/24 19:34
hunder3116樓乾屋摳寧沒執行????????? 06/24 19:34
nadleeh17樓閉著眼睛都會執行吧,還是有什麼考慮 06/24 19:35
vgil18樓傻了才不執行吧 47M耶 06/24 19:35
ginopun1047719樓老龜 大三元龜 小龜 氣氛龜 中鋒龜 06/24 19:35
LoMing102120樓不執行 下一張可能變成2年47M 執行可能要被罵跟領繩 06/24 19:35
TB8921樓kyrie還有可能 龜龜的個性我很難想像會跳 06/24 19:36
l2l22樓只想問不執行他想幹嘛? 06/24 19:36
ses1576323樓為什麼執行對球隊有幫助? 06/24 19:36
evangelew24樓怎麼可能不執行 06/24 19:36
NOKIA888825樓有可能嗎 06/24 19:37
f9217426樓不是 龜龜執行的話 哪來的空間簽ki 06/24 19:37
hanslins27樓如果不執行我不會讚揚龜龜,只會嘲笑他腦袋有問題 06/24 19:37
hanslins28樓,這份合約是他爭取到的,而且認真工作,又不是薪 06/24 19:37
hanslins29樓水小偷,幹嘛不執行? 06/24 19:37
EZ7830樓龜龜不執行湖人也沒空間簽KI吧 06/24 19:37