Re: [情報] KD:人們講的好像我去勇士前一事無成似的



: KD:人們講的好像我去勇士前一事無成似的
: KD spoke on not getting respect throughout his career.

: KD談到在他的整個職業生涯中都沒有得到尊重:你們只是在仇恨一位上帝。人們談論我的方
: 式會讓你認為我在聯盟中只打了六年,好像我去勇士之前一事無成一樣。你們做點功課吧。
: 我一直在這。

: 是確實未獲尊重?還是確實一事無成?


Reggie Miller發過一篇有名的文章 那時我有翻譯放上來

過了五年 他寫的內容很貼切目前KD的狀況


People always ask, "What made you stay in Indiana for all those years?" This
is the best way I can answer that question: Your checkout teller at the
grocery store, the attendant at the gas station, the ushers, the waiters, the
waitresses—all these fans laughed and cheered with me, and they cried with
me after the losses to Shaq, MJ and the Knicks. We were in it together.

人們常問我 什麼原因讓你在印第安納待這麼多年?

我的回答是 商店中的櫃台結帳人員 加油站員工 接待員 服務生

所有的球迷們總是給我鼓勵與微笑 當我們輸給湖人 MJ和尼克時

他們與我們一起哭泣 我們是一體的

I could not look at those fans had I gone somewhere else. I could not win a
championship in Miami like LeBron, popping bubbly and all that, knowing
there's a group in Indiana that stayed with me when I wasn't able to win a
title. I couldn't turn my back on that fanbase and say, "Yay, I got a ring!"

如果我去了別的球隊 我甚至無法再與這些球迷們互動



我無法無視這些球迷們然後說 嘿 我得冠了

That's why I believe Durant took an unnecessary shortcut by joining the
Warriors. Fans in smaller markets, like Oklahoma City, live and die with
their teams. Going to playoff games and driving through the neighborhood,
almost every house has signs and banners from kids.


小市場球隊的球迷 如Oklahoma 是與球隊一體的

當季後賽開打時 如果到附近晃晃 幾乎家家戶戶都懸掛著來自孩子們的加油標語

It gives me chills thinking about those experiences in Indiana. And that's
not to say Durant won't encounter this with Golden State. He might. But he's
in someone else's kingdom now.


這並不是說KD到了勇士不會得到如此熱烈的支持 他會的


Don't get me wrong, Durant will be the alpha dog. On the court, the pecking
order will be Durant, Curry, Green, then Klay Thompson. But Durant will
forever play in Curry's kingdom. He was with them first. He won a title for
them first.

無疑KD在勇士會是領袖 球場上的主角會是KD 咖哩 追夢綠和K湯

只是KD永遠是在咖哩的王國打球 他會先為他們贏得冠軍

If Durant would have won in Oklahoma City, it would just be better. It would
have been better if he joined any team that wasn't a ready-made contender.
But in Oklahoma City, winning one title would be like getting three or more
in Golden State. Failing to win one with the Thunder would arguably be more
admirable than collecting any number of titles with the Warriors.

如果KD已為雷霆贏得冠軍 情況會好很多



即使在雷霆無法奪冠 還是比起在勇士收集冠軍來得令人敬佩多了

This is just my opinion. Others will feel differently. People will read this
and say, "This is coming from a guy who never won a championship." That's
fine with me. And again, I get Durant's decision. I understand that

這只是我的個人想法 想法不同的人看完這篇文章會說 這只是一個沒有冠軍球員的廢話

沒關係 重申一次 我了解KD的決定 我了解那種有機會奪冠的誘惑

The Celtics wanted me to come out of retirement in 2007-08, when they won a
title with Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett. I couldn't do it. There was an
opportunity to join the Lakers at one point. I couldn't do that, either. And
maybe I should have.

青賽曾經在07-08球季邀請我復出 那個球季他們有Ray和KG並奪得冠軍


也曾有機會加入湖人 但我也拒絕了 也許我應該這麼做才是

But to me, a king should never leave his kingdom.

但對我來說 身為王者就該留在自己的王國裡


Miller退休這麼多年了 依然是溜馬的神主牌

溜馬隊的粉絲專頁只要po到跟他有關的文章 按讚數都是遠超其他文



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jessica353541樓 06/26 19:26
coyoteY2樓姆哥:NBA就是我的王國 06/26 19:26
karmel3樓KT在灣區好像也有類似感覺 06/26 19:27
cor1os4樓老古板啊 老巴 馬龍都敢跳了 06/26 19:27
zero96137195樓有個王都沒王國還不是過好好的 KD加油拉 06/26 19:27
karmel6樓說去餐廳常常廚師跟客人都會一起幫他鼓掌然後給他 06/26 19:27
karmel7樓吃免費餐點y 06/26 19:28
trayman8樓廢話一堆 就不夠強 看看姆斯 不管到哪個城市還不是 06/26 19:28
trayman9樓靠自己拿了4冠4fmvp 球迷們依然為他喝采 06/26 19:28
zero961371910樓靠自己?? 嘻嘻 06/26 19:28
md3q6e11樓姆斯這季在湖人被噓慘了 06/26 19:28
f7792812樓姆斯開巔峰組團第一槍後 註定一人一城會是這個世代 06/26 19:28
f7792813樓碩果僅存的少數特例 06/26 19:28
u9596g1214樓一次臭兩個 水喔 06/26 19:28
karmel15樓但每個人想追求的不一樣就是了 06/26 19:28
CMPunk16樓這倒是 溜馬後面的球星都沒人可以取代Miller在隊史 06/26 19:29
CMPunk17樓的地位 不過就像他自己講的 每個人追求的不同就是 06/26 19:29
f7792818樓對總冠軍的態度就好比笑貧不笑娼 06/26 19:29
md3q6e19樓而且20泡泡冠明顯AD付出的更多 06/26 19:29
karmel20樓trayman反串酸拉XD 06/26 19:29
CMPunk21樓 06/26 19:29
hunt556622樓這季表現不好 噓很正常 06/26 19:29
SuikaJasper23樓感覺KD沒那麼在意這種東西,他回嘴內容都是不爽別人 06/26 19:30
IaKoMu24樓字母 77 小丑 書人等等比較新一代的球星都沒出走啊 06/26 19:30
SuikaJasper25樓不尊重他的成就和貢獻,甚麼王國司機老大根本懶的分 06/26 19:30
Fezico26樓現在球員牌子都大成那樣,之後要一人一城難喔 06/26 19:30
kaodio27樓2>0 每個人要的東西不一樣 06/26 19:30
circuswu28樓KD如果繼續留在雷霆然後沒奪冠還是會有不一樣的困 06/26 19:30
reaman29樓姆斯靠自己好自在 06/26 19:31
karmel30樓如果Miller抱團拿冠溜馬球迷應該也不會這麼愛他 06/26 19:31