嘴綠:前幾天我跟LBJ通電話,我們都認為從三冠到四冠很瘋狂In the aftermath of his fourth championship win, Draymond Green dialed up LeBron
James to talk about life as a winner in the NBA.
在第四次贏得總冠軍之後,嘴綠打電話給LBJ,談論他拿到NBA冠軍後的生活。According to Green, he and James agreed that going from three championships to f
our is a crazy and wild feeling.
“I was on the phone with Bron the other day, and I’m just telling him like ‘B
ruh, going from 3 to 4 [rings] is insane’ and he was like ‘Yo, I’m telling yo
u, It’s crazy.”
嘴綠:前幾天我和LBJ通電話了,我只是對他說「兄弟,從3枚戒指到4枚戒指的感覺太瘋狂了」而他說「喲,我告訴你,這真的很瘋狂。」Draymond and his Warriors teammates put themselves in rarified air this season.
After capturing some titles a few years back, the Dubs proved their relevance on
ce again and showed the world that they are still capable of winning at the high
est level.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1656292348.A.3CC.htmlMarXXXX1樓要狂一起狂 06/27 09:13
f779282樓我們將在自由市場補充一些老將 06/27 09:13
kixer20053樓然後4到5 之後5到6 歡迎上車 06/27 09:14
ccjack3104244樓一起瘋狂奪第五冠 06/27 09:14
→ B99071435樓翻譯:要不要一起到第五冠,我們缺底薪全能小前鋒 06/27 09:14
sazabisazabi6樓有缺人嗎? 06/27 09:14
ste145637樓一起狂 06/27 09:14
Js12338樓跨出來的友情? 06/27 09:14
tailsean9樓有沒有興趣一起來個更瘋狂的一個 06/27 09:14
md3q6e10樓要一起第五冠了? 06/27 09:14
jackq11樓兄弟 想上車嗎 06/27 09:14
bbbruce12樓瘋狂XX 06/27 09:14
→ Wishmaster13樓有好到這樣喔...所以the跨 = the演? XDDDDDDDDD 06/27 09:14
crusoe14樓請問「置身於稀薄的空氣中」是什麼意思 06/27 09:15
Bakushinchi15樓太瘋狂了~~~~ 06/27 09:15
→ JACKIAM16樓圍巾打4號? 扛的住嗎 06/27 09:15
kraftman17樓要上車嗎 06/27 09:15
a51601318樓要不要一起狂~ 06/27 09:15
→ Js123319樓沒有打本季最強的太陽,這個冠軍不純 06/27 09:15
same6071020樓喂~我姆斯啦 06/27 09:15
→ skygray221樓肯定是從唯~我姆斯啦開始這通電話的 06/27 09:15
→ bbbruce22樓@crusoe 高處所以空氣稀薄 06/27 09:16
louis8282823樓一起狂? 06/27 09:16
s5010124樓他們本來就麻吉 06/27 09:16
→ md3q6e25樓姆斯本來就是嘴綠偶像 嘴綠一堆招都學他的 06/27 09:17
NOKIA888826樓有缺全能小前鋒嗎 06/27 09:17
→ md3q6e27樓
06/27 09:17 lianhua28樓讓我們一起瘋狂第五冠? 06/27 09:17
bbbruce29樓☎ ☎ ☎ ☎ ☎ 06/27 09:17
losage30樓嘴綠表示:一羞妮!? 姆斯:一哭、一哭 06/27 09:18