: The Lakers say that the trade between the Charlotte Hornets and the Lakers has
: been rescinded due to failure to satisfy a condition of the trade.
: https://x.com/jovanbuha/status/1888408090665480439?s=46
: 湖人表示,由於未能滿足交易條件,黃蜂與湖人之間的交易已被撤銷。
: The trade was rescinded because of the Hornets' failure to satisfy a condition
: of the trade.
: https://x.com/jovanbuha/status/1888409658362081761?s=46
: 目前消息是黃蜂方的問題
這篇刪掉了 不知道為什麼
: 短評或心得:
: 健康問題?
Mark Williams' physical with the Lakers showed multiple issues and the team fail
ed him on the exam, sources tell ESPN. The physical was not failed due to his ba
ck, however.
The trade was conditional on Mark Williams and Dalton Knecht reporting and passi
ng a physical.
Because the deadline has passed, the trade was not allowed to be amended.
Williams goes back to Charlotte
Knecht/Cam Reddish to LAL
The draft conditions: 2030 swap and 2031 unprotected first are voided.
根據Bobby Marks的說法
這筆交易的條件是DK跟MW兩個人通過體檢就OK 所以問題不會是出在紅盤的體檢上
另外由於交易大限已經過了 所以不能修改內容 只能直接取消交易
兩邊的球員會直接回到原球隊 選秀權也是
The Lakers now have 15 players under contract.
$1.6M below the second apron.
另外 這筆交易是湖人方叫停的
The Lakers just announced that their trade with Charlotte to acquire Mark Willia
ms has been rescinded “due to failure to satisfy a condition of the trade.”
It’s the Hornets who failed to “satisfy a condition.”
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1739067834.A.296.htmltaikonkimo1樓那就該是MW體檢有問題了… 02/09 10:24
→ xo455277882樓湖人叫停的應該是MW沒過 02/09 10:24
eeqqww1122333樓喔齁… 02/09 10:24
→ qmomoyaya4樓難怪要主動交易,免費的最貴 02/09 10:24
truejoker5樓幫大公推推 02/09 10:25
nt8802456樓怪不得黃蜂甩賣 MW 看來是猛幾場又痛了 02/09 10:25
melzard7樓風向很亂 等細節吧 02/09 10:25
→ eeqqww1122338樓MW哭哭 02/09 10:25
→ ken18259樓MW應該是上不了場,那交易來下半季也沒用 不如等8月 02/09 10:25
brian04081810樓黃蜂主動打電話的 好恐怖 02/09 10:25
airbase11樓湖人不要的 02/09 10:25
aa01081008tw12樓如果是馬威有到不能上場的傷.不要也好..沒屁用啊 02/09 10:25
→ walter74122513樓體檢沒過也不能硬吃 風險太大了 02/09 10:25
gojyo1200214樓驗貨發現有大傷? 然後就叫停了 02/09 10:25
allse103215樓那看來就是MW之前帶傷硬打現在被驗出來了 02/09 10:25
gm7922792216樓真的免費的最貴 主動交易 02/09 10:25
wwf158817樓那就好 02/09 10:25
→ Puye18樓湖人叫停 那應該是黃蜂方面的問題 02/09 10:25
→ pptsodog19樓MW紫金愛心推文: 02/09 10:25
→ walter74122520樓只是這樣一來大限過了 湖人也難搞了 02/09 10:25
kobe952721樓太扯 還能這樣的 這樣DK尷尬了 02/09 10:25
→ Hakase556622樓原來是黃蜂賣礦卡阿 02/09 10:25
→ aa01081008tw23樓吹得超猛..不能上場都是0 02/09 10:25
→ gtr2210136124樓躺著等電話還是有風險的 02/09 10:25
jokepeace25樓黃蜂再搞啊 想丟個不能上場的過來換能上場的? 02/09 10:25
Notif52026樓DK體檢肯定沒問題,那應該就馬威體檢沒過了 02/09 10:25
Kidd050227樓還敢在那邊等電話啊 02/09 10:25
cross98011528樓刪掉那個他重發 完整說明是湖人聲稱 02/09 10:26
s103162929樓有沒有可能是類似隔壁Correa 那樣檢查出一個新的隱 02/09 10:26
→ taikonkimo30樓難怪主動打電話 該是黃蜂也看出啥 02/09 10:26