來源:Yahoo Sports
https://reurl.cc/Q5k5R0It was too big a red flag — the Lakers rescinded their trade saying it was
"due to failure to satisfy a condition of the trade." The trade was
contingent on Williams (and Knecht, although that was not in doubt) passing
his physical and he did not. It was not only Williams' back that caused the
Lakers medical team to fail him, reports Shams Charania of ESPN.
情形。這交易要過,Mark Williams得要通過體檢,但是他沒有。根據Shams Charania
的報導,湖人醫療團隊不是因為Williams的背部問題而沒讓他過體檢。Because the trade deadline has passed, this trade cannot be amended; the
players and pick just return to their original teams.
原本的隊伍。Teams do not like to cancel trades , especially those as significant as the
Lakers-Charlotte trade for Mark Williams-Dalton Knecht. But LA gave up a lot
to get Williams, they needed to feel confident he’d be healthy enough to be
their starting center for the next 5-10 years. After a “thorough”
evaluation of his health, they were not.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1739081080.A.A54.htmlwii1281樓沒了 02/09 14:05
→ Chanlin012樓偶der 背 02/09 14:05
j900802f3樓八成很嚴重才會取消 02/09 14:05
ck3264樓整件事最大受害著應該是馬威,身價直接沒了 02/09 14:05
EMSOK5樓不是背部原本舊傷 那就是其他地方壞光光囉 02/09 14:05
→ aa01081008tw6樓不只背傷喔... 02/09 14:06
→ u9596g127樓馬威以後不用想簽大約了 LA認證身體有big problem 02/09 14:06
→ wii1288樓好消息 背是好的 其它都壞了 02/09 14:06
Addressg9樓3年84場 我想不光是背 02/09 14:06
Torpedo952710樓不是背部? 實在好奇是啥大問題寧願取消 02/09 14:06
tasiki200211樓膝蓋嗎 02/09 14:06
k221577712樓馬威被湖人搞了 慘 02/09 14:06
→ aa01081008tw13樓最慘的就馬威..全聯盟球隊都知道他因傷被退貨 02/09 14:06
→ xxlaws14樓淨他娘放屁 怎麼不說是黃蜂隱瞞.. 02/09 14:06
vince468715樓這筆交易我記得是在當天比賽完之後提的 02/09 14:06
→ Addressg16樓樓上敢講被湖人搞是造謠你要確哦 02/09 14:07
hayabusa200417樓預約新任院長一直躺 湖人不要了 02/09 14:07
→ bbbyes12318樓湖人直接被搞一波 黃蜂應該要被處罰 02/09 14:07
rbki319樓明年合約到 50收 02/09 14:07
→ vince468720樓可能體檢日都直接往後延一天 所以程序緊迫來不及討 02/09 14:07
jokepeace21樓黃蜂根本害到自己人 我看交易不出去了 自己端約出 02/09 14:07
qwer00770022樓專職的痛痛人 02/09 14:07
→ vince468723樓價還價 02/09 14:07
→ jokepeace24樓來續吧 02/09 14:07
ltmps25樓不是黃蜂管理層壞就是醫療團隊太爛。最後受傷最重 02/09 14:07
→ ltmps26樓的是MW,下張合約想拿大的變更難了 02/09 14:07
→ Notif52027樓基本上就壞光光了吧,這下三輸,以後未必有人敢跟 02/09 14:07
→ aa01081008tw28樓吹得再厲害...不能上場就是0 02/09 14:08
ecoginobili29樓其實蠻好奇這種原因 就是目前可上場 但又不能長期先 02/09 14:08
→ vince468730樓這隻本來就還沒有打過全職先發的中鋒時間 02/09 14:08