[花邊] Max : 擁有一位信任你的教練非常重要




“Having a coach that’ll trust you like that is super important…Coaches that h
ave believed in me, have helped me take a leap in my game…Coach Kidd is willing
and trusting me enough to put me in those situations, so it means a lot to me a
s a player, and something I want to continue to improve on.”

Christie also talks about him handling the ball more than usual, including time
down the stretch.



加入獨行俠後的Max Christie 各場表現 :

15 PTS / 9 REB / 3 AST
15 PTS / 6 REB / 4 AST
23 PTS / 2 REB / 2 AST
15 PTS / 4 REB / 3 AST
17 PTS / 5 REB / 4 AST

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1739440136.A.0D3.html
MidoriG1樓火腿迷: 02/13 17:49
f779282樓火腿 02/13 17:49
bheegrl3樓好用一直用 02/13 17:49
a282002664樓誰 不信任你 你說 02/13 17:49
tolove07215樓說出來 02/13 17:50
sasa7896樓火腿:耳朵癢癢的 02/13 17:50
a282002667樓不過來到小牛後他責任變更重了 也顯著成長 恭喜老 02/13 17:50
a282002668樓 02/13 17:50
k72020019樓JJ養好送給你犢的 犢犢不虧 犢迷別太不滿 02/13 17:50
s07y0610樓就算你長成超巨,你的GM隨時都會偷偷賣掉你 02/13 17:50
atmmaxing11樓火腿:打得很好 下一場獎勵妳別打了 02/13 17:51
ouka12樓醬包好吃。 02/13 17:51
sunnyyoung13樓我總覺得Kidd只是想擺爛表達無言抗議才重用你 只是 02/13 17:51
sunnyyoung14樓沒想到你打成這樣 02/13 17:51
Qorqios15樓w 02/13 17:52
iamjojo16樓火腿 顆顆 02/13 17:52
aa01081008tw17樓火腿:?? 02/13 17:52
kingbar81518樓先感謝JJ,這顏色上的不好 02/13 17:52
MK4719樓那誰不相信你 大聲說出來 02/13 17:52
ohiyo10420樓打太好會被賣掉喔 小心一點Max 02/13 17:52
sealwow21樓訪問的當下有個密爾瓦基的教練在打噴嚏! 02/13 17:53
kingbar81522樓樓上說的好像神隱少女的故事...... 02/13 17:53
Sessyoin23樓協尋火腿粉 ++ 02/13 17:53
slluu224樓反觀湖人 02/13 17:53
limitlesscit25樓這側翼很不錯耶 02/13 17:53
basarasaga26樓New 77, 舊的我們不要了 02/13 17:53
kingbar81527樓全世界都知道是火腿用爛的,笑死 02/13 17:54
jetloading0028樓交易主菜 02/13 17:54
icou29樓時也命也 去到犢後殘陣必須扛大樑 把握機會吧 02/13 17:54
aa01081008tw30樓今天直接先發打到滿. 02/13 17:54