[花邊] 獨行俠試圖用Luka換Giannis或Ant但被拒絕



公鹿記者 Gery Woelfel

According to one source, the Mavs reached out to the Bucks. But the Bucks
made it clear to Mavs they wouldn’t trade Antetokounmpo even though his
future with the team is murky.

As for the Timberwolves, it’s only logical that any potential deal between
the Mavs and Timberwolves would have included Anthony Edwards, their
ascending 23-year-old superstar.
至於灰狼,任何有可能的交易包必然會包括他們年僅23歲、正在崛起的超級巨星 AE

The league sources I contacted regarding the Doncic-Davis declined to divulge
specifics of the Mavs talks with the Bucks and Timberwolves, but they were
adamant those talks took place.

網友留言 https://i.imgur.com/3Qgc5eU.png

Understand giannis. But Edwards?????
可以理解Giannis情況,但 Edwards?????

So these GMs didn’t value Luka to the point of trading either of these guys?
Giannis 30 btw

Not trading ANT for Luka is hilarious

So was the “We only talked to the Lakers” a flat out lie? Or is this just
Nico trying to save face?

Luka: Giannis and Ant over me?????

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1739459326.A.667.html
benen1樓現在是要爆開來了嗎 02/13 23:09
yyes52102樓77換特哥換不成w灰狼管理層眼光真獨特 02/13 23:10
yamatai3樓的確是換AE的話獨行俠應該會無敵 02/13 23:10
u9596g124樓三小 公鹿跟灰狼拒絕 ?????????????????? 02/13 23:10
gameow11245樓灰狼不換嗎 02/13 23:10
JKjohnwick6樓原來是對方拒絕阿 02/13 23:10
darren25867樓屁啦Luka換不到AE 02/13 23:10
shargo8樓灰狼傻了 02/13 23:11
yesno419樓灰狼忘記被誰打爆嗎 02/13 23:11
AbdulJabbar10樓灰狼先不講 公鹿哪有理由答應 77+Lillard要玩啥? 02/13 23:11
NTD300w11樓灰狼怕77不續約吧 02/13 23:11
thindust12樓原來Nico不是最笨的 02/13 23:11
f7792813樓為什麼不換狗貝 我相信防守可以拿總冠軍 02/13 23:12
axi14樓拿到77當然就圍繞77重組啊... 02/13 23:12
TB8915樓之前說只和湖人談過 現在又多兩隊 被罵爆才作假的吧 02/13 23:12
black5516樓ant這個太瞎了吧 02/13 23:12
chinhan121617樓果然有Giannis 02/13 23:12
AbdulJabbar18樓要看小犢要價吧 AE跟KI重疊又沒AD強 搞不好要一堆 02/13 23:12
IrvingKyrie19樓被狗貝騙一次 怕又被77騙一次嗎 02/13 23:12
potterpig20樓放風聲想挽回面子啦 其他高層都憤怒沒公開了 02/13 23:12
tomoti21樓77+狗貝,這畫面太美... 02/13 23:13
dorimi22樓拚防守不是換狗貝嗎 怎麼是蟻人 02/13 23:13
spurs212023樓公鹿不答應很合理吧 02/13 23:13
MDAISUKE1824樓公鹿拿到77老李可以蛋雕吧 02/13 23:13
iammessiah25樓如果考慮Luka 會不願意留在北大荒 拒絕也算合理 02/13 23:14
AbdulJabbar26樓其實當天就有人說了 只是沒講對象/bbs/NBA/M.1738490557.A.410.html 02/13 23:14
Alga8727樓所以小牛一心一意只想送走核心? 精彩 02/13 23:15
vince468728樓拿小胖子來問AE的乳摸季中大限前灰狼隊媒專文就有 02/13 23:15
vince468729樓透漏說灰狼會打槍了 02/13 23:15
wwf158830樓特哥是AE嗎 02/13 23:15