[情報] Curry和Kerr回應KD的決定:沒有怨恨沒有遺



Stephen Curry: 'No Hard Feelings, No Resentment' Toward Kevin Durant For
Passing On Warriors' Return

Stephen Curry:對Kevin Durant拒絕重返勇士「沒有怨恨,沒有遺憾」

Stephen Curry spoke directly to his former teammate to gauge how he felt
about leaving the Phoenix Suns for a reunion. Sources told ESPN that Durant
indicated to Curry that a return to the Warriors didn't "feel right," that it
"wasn't the time."



"You need everybody to be all bought in no matter what the history you have,"
Curry told ESPN about his talk with Durant. "And I respect KD. It's all about
having peace of mind and happiness.

"Neither one of us controlled that [trade] situation. It's just you want to
make sure somebody wants to be somewhere. Other than that, I'm not trying to
convince anybody to be somewhere they don't want to be."

Curry said he has "no hard feelings, no resentment" at all.







"I don't blame Kevin one bit for not wanting to rerun things here," Steve
Kerr told ESPN. "He took so much s--- for like, 'Oh, you're jumping on the
bandwagon' [when he signed with Golden State as a free agent in 2016]. And
then he's Finals MVP two years in a row. It's like he still gets criticized.

"So why would he want to face all that B.S. again?"

「對於KD不想再回來,我一點都不怪他」勇士總教練Steve Kerr告訴《ESPN》。






※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1739576598.A.D76.html
whoolan1樓這感覺已經不對 02/15 07:46
hunt55662樓單方面的沒有怨恨 02/15 07:46
LKN5553樓你怎麼不自己去找他 02/15 07:47
tolowali4樓當年被整隊霸凌 誰想回去 02/15 07:47
giroro2555樓不會說服那幹嘛還找人吃飯 02/15 07:50
cowbaya6樓Curry沒拿FMVP時可沒辦法這麼坦然 02/15 07:54
headcase7樓KD的確只是去搭便車的啊 02/15 07:55
MoWilliams8樓去問嘴綠啊 02/15 07:58
c225016569樓操壞了 沒有遺憾 耶嘿 02/15 07:59
ooxxman10樓再回來當傭兵即使奪冠也是難看 02/15 08:00
dahlia735711樓問題是嘴綠,你充其量是白臉 02/15 08:02
qwer00770012樓當年只用嘴巴, 現在看到有人是被拳頭招呼的, 誰敢 02/15 08:04
qwer00770013樓回去 02/15 08:04
reenwit14樓嘴綠:只有嘴砲還有拳腳 02/15 08:07
walithey15樓時機不對,因為嘴綠還在 02/15 08:10
B990714316樓除了嘴綠,其他都是腦補 02/15 08:10
GoodEnd17樓來我這你最多只能當老三 02/15 08:11
w0844556618樓因為嘴綠 普爾杜蘭特都沒機會回來 02/15 08:15
greathetzer19樓嘴綠壓力怪還在 差滴 02/15 08:15
hsiang104920樓竊喜好險選吉巴 02/15 08:17
Wolverine5621樓想放棄卻不能甘心放手~~ 02/15 08:18
Hooz22樓在勇士腳被操爆受傷還要被靠北靠母 誰想回去 02/15 08:20
cool841823樓不是你們先帶風向的嗎 02/15 08:20
a2689399724樓都Carry兩冠了 是要被怨恨什麼啦XDD 02/15 08:22
Ceferino25樓翻譯:沒有遺憾,不用回來了啦 02/15 08:23
live14722226樓嘴綠還在就想弄回KD,動點腦想下有沒有可能吧.. 02/15 08:27
gn0032489327樓搭便車不就你們那個嘴綠先講嗎 在你來之前我們就... 02/15 08:28
breakingduck28樓腳被操斷、贏球是因為勇士強、你只是來投靠的,現 02/15 08:29
breakingduck29樓在還能單方面的說出不怨恨,這不要臉的程度 02/15 08:29
tedandjolin30樓雖然我也是罵大哥是搭車的 但你們兩位放任嘴綠放話 02/15 08:30