[花邊] 甜瓜跟魔獸預期今年會進HOF



來源:NBC Sports

‘Melo and Howard are among the finalists for the Naismith Basketball Hall of
Fame, who were announced on Friday in a ceremony tied to the NBA All-Star
Weekend. The duo can get in as individuals — both will, as they have
undeniably stacked resumes — but also as members of the 2008 USA Basketball
gold medal-winning men’s team, the Redeem Team.

Among those just missing the cut to become Hall of Fame finalists are the
legendary Suns duo of Shawn Marion and Amar’e Stoudemire, as well as Doc
其他沒進入名人堂決選名單內的包括傳奇太陽組合Shawn Marion及Stoudemire,




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1739588899.A.2AD.html
youngluke1樓沒啥意外 進就是了 02/15 11:09
dzflash2樓希望Marion可以進去 02/15 11:09
dzflash3樓全能前鋒先驅 02/15 11:10
chenming8674樓LBJ CP3還在打,這兩個已經要進名人堂了 02/15 11:11
evangelew5樓就是阿XD 02/15 11:11
sxce52836樓不知道搶了DH 75大的那位可以進名人堂嗎 02/15 11:12
wai08067樓瓜瓜光靠金牌搞不好都能進了 02/15 11:13
ooxxman8樓魔獸還沒退休吧 02/15 11:13
ckshchen9樓魔獸:我還沒要退欸 02/15 11:14
ijk7769210樓進名人堂還可以打球嗎? 02/15 11:15
gju8888811樓魔獸:欸不是 02/15 11:16
howard199712樓強制退休? 02/15 11:16
lavine063913樓書豪之後也有機會 02/15 11:17
PeterHenson14樓Ray Allen當初也沒正式退休阿 還不是時間到就進 02/15 11:17
Larry821215樓魔獸被強制退休XD 02/15 11:17
jerrys058016樓DH12強制退休笑爛 02/15 11:18
Tonyx59902617樓魔獸:缺中鋒的球隊…你知道的… 02/15 11:19
lmf77041018樓強制退休XD 02/15 11:19
sxzc19樓還好啦 如果DH進了也就順勢開開心心退休了 02/15 11:19
VL100320樓這兩隻沒當屆進去才奇怪就是 02/15 11:19
zyic21樓被退休XDDDD 02/15 11:20
chan18496622樓有進名人堂後續還上場的案例嗎 02/15 11:22
RealNigga23樓75大沒魔獸真的扯爛 02/15 11:25
kenbo24樓被退休XDDDDD 02/15 11:25
alittleghost25樓沒第一年提名一次進的,其實都是沒資格,沒有例外 02/15 11:26
teeeeee26樓和司機一樣強迫退休 02/15 11:27
laking27樓魔獸當初沒進75大就很扯 02/15 11:32
lfe1128樓所以75大沒魔獸是在搞嗎? 02/15 11:32
alonzohorse29樓魔獸要被退休了 02/15 11:32
thewtf30樓魔獸:這裡有位能抗小丑中鋒唷 02/15 11:33