[外絮] Darrell Armstrong持致命武器襲擊被捕




Mavs assistant coach Darrell Armstrong arrested on assault with deadly weapon

Armstrong is currently one of the longest-tenured members of the Mavericks’
coaching staff.

By SportsDay Staff Feb. 16, 2025|Updated 1:41 p.m. CST

獨行俠隊助理教練Darrell Armstrong因持致命武器襲擊被捕


Mavericks assistant coach Darrell Armstrong was arrested Saturday on a charge
of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, authorities said.

Dallas police responded to a call at about 3:45 a.m. Saturday in the 1000
block of Ross Avenue. According to police, Armstrong was involved in an
argument before he allegedly struck the victim with a gun and threatened to
shoot them.

當局稱,小牛隊助理教練Darrell Armstrong於週六因使用致命武器進行嚴重攻擊而被捕。

週六凌晨 3 點 45 分左右,達拉斯警方接到了羅斯大道 1000 街區的報警電話。據警方

Armstrong was arrested and charged with aggravated assault. According to a
report from WFAA-TV (Channel 8), Armstrong was booked into jail before 7:30 a.
m. Saturday but has since posted bond.

When asked for comment by The Dallas Morning News, the Mavericks responded
with a written statement: “The Dallas Mavericks are aware of an incident
involving a member of our staff and are gathering all relevant information
surrounding the incident the statement said. “We take this matter seriously.
The employee has been placed on administrative suspension pending the outcome
of legal proceedings.

Armstrong被逮捕,並被指控犯有嚴重攻擊罪。據 WFAA-TV報導,Armstrong於週六早上
7:30 之前被關進監獄,但現已交保。


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1739741596.A.8DF.html
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