[外絮] DH:LBJ總是會看數據,不是說他想刷



“He’s just really keeping account of what’s going on, it’s like how he doh
is business” - Dwight Howard says LeBron James is always looking at numbersto
figure out how to be more effective, says he’s playing chess


Dwight Howard最近上Podcast談到LBJ

“He’s always watching the stat sheets. It’s not like he’s looking to pad s
tats. He’s looking to figure out with numbers how can he be more effective.‘
How can this player be more effective? I gotta get this guy shots here. I go
tta do this for this guy.’ He’s just really keeping account of what’s going
on. It’s like how he do his business. He do it the same way.”

“Everything he’s doing, he’s strategically doing. He’s playing chess. That
’s something I got just watching him with how he moves. Everything he’s doin
g, he’s positioning himself and the people around him to make sure that every
one is successful in whatever field it may be.”



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1656580285.A.B74.html
cor1os1樓這不就是在刷 -.- 06/30 17:11
bleachdie2樓我總是會看女人,但我不是很色 06/30 17:12
GioGiorvanna3樓看完就知道誰該交易掉了 06/30 17:12
balire23514樓DH高級反諷XD 他就是只在意數據啊 06/30 17:12
limitlesscit5樓如果DH觀察很準那就不會落到今天這下場 06/30 17:12
cor1os6樓草莓獸又不是有合約 母獅也砍不到 06/30 17:12
balire23517樓無助於提升數據的事 留給別人去做 06/30 17:13
k3854769168樓 06/30 17:13
lolggqq9樓這咖又是誰... 有這裡的鄉民懂姆斯嗎== 06/30 17:13
ZhChiEn10樓好可憐 怎樣都可以酸 06/30 17:13
boyen091711樓媽的這篇誰幫姆斯講話誰就是詹粉 06/30 17:14
CW412樓這真的沒什麼好酸 現在很多競技項目科學化後都在做 06/30 17:14
CW413樓差不多的事 06/30 17:14
kurenaiz14樓詹粉好吃 06/30 17:15
cor1os15樓你科學化分析可以賽後再搞嗎 -.- 06/30 17:15
bryan906016樓LBJ太過商人的特質,是不是阻礙他成為純運動員Goat 06/30 17:15
reski17樓真是不忍噓,Curry不用看數據都能自動幫隊友buff, 06/30 17:15
bryan906018樓的原因之一? 06/30 17:15
buneng19樓看數據=\=刷數據,姆斯在下一盤很大的棋 06/30 17:15
kent88ch20樓笑死 隨便講幾句好聽話就要大家相信喔 06/30 17:15
wuling100121樓不是刷 是做績效 06/30 17:15
reski22樓結果還是路人定位。LBJ再怎麼看,隊友還是越打越爛 06/30 17:15
babyMclaren23樓意思是看到籃板太多就多一點偷跑刷分?不懂 06/30 17:15
reski24樓,永遠隊友背鍋,結果隊友還幫忙護航。DH的說法根 06/30 17:15
reski25樓本就是變相在說隊友太爛,還沒自覺。 06/30 17:15
hunt556626樓可憐詹酸看什麼都超譯 呃呃呃 06/30 17:16
babyMclaren27樓還是籃板太多就叫誰誰誰卡位或不要偷跑 06/30 17:16
QoGIVoQ28樓這部分有包含刷30分嗎 06/30 17:16
basterds29樓導入5G Aiot 06/30 17:16
jameslin51030樓路人單核帶隊帶到哪?還buff 勒 06/30 17:16