[情報] KD談奧運對他的意義





Kevin Durant on what the Olympics means to him:

“I looked in the crowd, it’s 27,000 people from all walks of life, all diffe
rent countries …coming together for basketball. It’s incredible to see that.
So as much as I can bring us together that way, that’s what I try to do. …I
come from neighborhoods where people don’t even talk to each other. So much
hate in the world too, it’s like … when people get to start laughing and jok
ing for the game of ball, it’s cool to me, so it gets me emotional. It’s cra
zy to see somebody say they traveled so long to come see their favorite player
play in the Olympics. They spend their money, they bring their whole family .
.. it’s just dope to me.”

(via Court of Gold)


「當我環顧觀眾席,看到 27,000 人來自世界各地,懷抱著對籃球的熱愛相聚於此,那一


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abbei1樓在推特上也是 02/18 08:52
adashyu2樓奧運GOAT 02/18 08:54
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ABiao022017樓推大哥 02/18 09:05
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madeathmao20樓各路迷黑酸也是充滿仇恨啊 02/18 09:10
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cup40iilove22樓阿杜真的很有深度 02/18 09:37
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jensentaipei30樓kd是打從心裡愛籃球 02/18 10:31