LaVar Ball -- the father of basketball stars Lonzo, LiAngelo and LaMelo Ball -
- had his foot amputated after suffering a serious medical issue, TMZ Sports h
as learned.
We're told the Ball family patriarch underwent a recent procedure to have his
right foot removed ... but despite it all, he is in great spirits and doing we
據《TMZ Sports》報導,籃球明星 Lonzo、LiAngelo 和 LaMelo Ball 的父親 LaVar Bal
l 因嚴重的健康問題而接受截肢手術。
據消息人士透露,這位 Ball 家族的大家長最近進行了一項手術,右腳已被截除。然而,
LaVar made a name for himself with his grandiose plans for his sons -- he crea
ted the Big Baller Brand, which developed signature shoes for all three hooper
LaVar made countless headlines for his bold declarations about his kids, but h
as received praise following their success -- Zo and Melo are stars in the Ass
ociation, and Gelo's music career is taking off.
LaVar Ball 因為為兒子們制定宏偉計畫而聞名——他創立了Big Baller Brand,為三位
和 Melo 已成為 NBA 的明星球員,而 Gelo 的音樂事業也正在起飛。
He has distanced himself from the spotlight in recent years ... but has contin
ued to be his sons' biggest fan from afar.
LaVar was a college sports star in his own right -- he played at Cal State-Los
Angeles ... and spent time with the New York Jets and Carolina Panthers organ
The Ball brothers have not yet spoken about their father's health publicly.
LaVar 本身也是一名大學體育明星——他曾在加州州立大學洛杉磯分校效力,並曾短暫效
Ball 兄弟尚未公開談論父親的健康狀況。
祝福球爸 一切安好...