[外絮] Giannis: 不會主動要求交易 公鹿得踢走我



https://reurl.cc/XZ0eq3 NBC引用Eurohoops的報導

In a long interview that covered pretty much everything, Giannis joked about
the idea of being traded to Detroit, like it was suggested to him by the
Greek reporters as an example compared to the Doncic trade.

“At least Luka went from Dallas to LA, why you are sending me to Detroit”,
Giannis said with a smile after a comical reaction that included a long “
noooooo” and on a more serious note he added: “NBA is business if I got
traded I would inform my family and would do my job”.
「NBA 就是一門生意,如果我被交易了,我會通知我的家人,然後做好我的工作。」

Asked if he would text his GM asking for a trade, Giannis once more talked
about staying with the Bucks: “I don’t think that I would ever text (and
ask for a trade), I am not this kind of guy, they would have to kick me out”.

“If I am healthy I will be there”,iannis said and when asked if this
time he would win a medal with Greece, he elaborated on his connection with
the team, his ambitions and his coach Vasilis Spanouli

網友留言 https://i.imgur.com/5XxmaSy.png

Detroit fans "why he say fuck me for?"

Detroit fans were having a nice day too


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1740062591.A.2DC.html
ZIDENS1樓傻傻的 他現在去活塞就衝擊冠軍了== 02/20 22:45
karmel2樓活塞現在不差吧 02/20 22:47
Ashely09133樓歐洲球星真的比較少吹咪 02/20 22:47
kaga19914樓活塞除了Beasley沒幾個可以拉空間給字母吧 衝擊冠 02/20 22:52
kaga19915樓軍? 02/20 22:52
kaga19916樓先過東區王者綠賽再說 02/20 22:52
slamblock157樓他現在去活塞衝一個冠軍不如終身公鹿 如果公鹿願意 02/20 22:53
slamblock158樓的話啦 02/20 22:53
jesuskobe9樓要換字母公鹿一定會要CC,那這樣活塞還會強嗎? 02/20 22:54
e8e8810樓nico :叫我? 02/20 22:55
jyekid11樓太早 02/20 22:55
PTTerzy12樓活塞:又怎麼你了 02/20 22:57
hope952713樓就有冠軍了,還在冠軍,拿錢比較重要 02/20 23:00
u9596g1214樓妮可 : 確實 02/20 23:01
Mei556615樓大旱 02/20 23:01
onionandy16樓活塞把除了CC之外的年輕球員跟簽打包都不足以換 02/20 23:02
s922014017樓活塞也是爛很久 從2018之後就沒超過40勝 02/20 23:02
YummyYummy18樓77:說得好 02/20 23:04
aegis8072819樓字母已經幫公鹿奪冠了 他終身留公鹿有錢又能當一哥 02/20 23:05
aegis8072820樓還有一人一城好名聲 幹嘛走 02/20 23:05
ClownT21樓樓下說活塞還在坦 02/20 23:10
rlrbc22樓底特律被臭正常 02/20 23:12
stpmouse23樓就不要第一輪遇上活塞 然後被活塞淘汰喔 02/20 23:15
Hohenzollern24樓底特律環境不吸引球星 02/20 23:18
MattiaPasini25樓 02/20 23:20
MK4726樓你去住底特律 本身就是一種污辱人的話 02/20 23:31
apple1551827樓他跟小丑目前還算穩 但未來不好說 02/20 23:32
yamatai28樓活塞拿到字母直接可以衝擊東冠吧 02/20 23:35
MDAISUKE1829樓底特律是什麼很不好的地方嗎 02/20 23:37
youtoo30樓以他的個性我不覺得他會想閃啦,又不是特別喜歡大 02/20 23:40