[花邊] Luka: 當時LBJ手感燙 所以給他投關鍵球




With the game on the line in the final seconds, Doncic was the one
inbounding the ball to James, who then missed two 3-point attempts in the
final six seconds. Doncic had no problem with not being in the late-game

"He had it going, so obviously we’re going to go to him," Doncic said.
"I think it’ll go both ways. One time it’s going to be him, and one time me.
I think it depends on how the game is going.”

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willy9110061樓你也懂甩鍋 02/20 23:52
hunt55662樓來人啊,讓他看看ptt文章 02/20 23:53
hunt55663樓給誰都不能給老詹好嗎 02/20 23:53
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sasayaaa10樓不該讓他投 02/20 23:57
e8e8811樓抗議 他學我 02/20 23:57
class2153512樓你該自己投的 你才是第一隊阿 02/20 23:57
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DogBe10614樓誰投都一樣輸了罵老詹就對了 02/20 23:59
j900802f15樓反正不管誰投進或沒投進 詹酸永遠都能罵 02/21 00:00
ABSound16樓Clutch shot甩炸彈?裁判 他學我 02/21 00:00
kc942017樓77才是老大 他說誰投誰就給我投 沒投進乖乖挨罵 02/21 00:00
gigiabc18樓讓LBJ當你導師 但叫你模仿 沒叫你超越耶 02/21 00:03
TEM19樓不愧是白姆斯 02/21 00:04
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Gentile21樓害Goat刷到1-18 該當何罪 02/21 00:16
akko7681522樓害我皇又鐵了兩球 又被酸了 該當何罪? 02/21 00:19
babyMclaren23樓死之三分 02/21 00:20
QVQ948724樓好的不學 學這個 欸不對 好像也沒好的可以學 02/21 00:20
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mambarko26樓說真的這種關鍵球交給你比較讓人放心 02/21 00:22
Demia27樓這球一定是77傳的不好,沒加掛十美分,才害山羌投 02/21 00:22
Demia28樓不進的 02/21 00:22
silentsky55529樓喘到沒力投不了了 還得靠40歲老漢 02/21 00:23
allyourshit30樓鍋來就甩 7殺隊開始集結了 害我山羌不能忍! 02/21 00:25