Washington on Kyrie Irving’s leadership:
“Kai is the true leader for this team. Vocally. Obviously it shows on the cou
rt, but in the locker room he’s encouraging guys, he’s encouraging guys to t
ake the right shot. He’s talking out defense. He’s talking out offense. Anyt
hing he sees on the court he’s vocal about it, and no matter who it is he’s
trying to uplift them and help them…How friendly of a guy he is, how cool he
is…He’s one of the best teammates I’ve ever had and I’m just blessed to be
able to be his teammate.”
P.J. Washington談到Kyrie Irving的領導力:
有KI在真好 所以有人不討論防守嗎?
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※ 文章網址:樓排 02/22 13:14
A00610lol2樓丸啦 02/22 13:14
axi3樓淨灘成功 02/22 13:14
jl8603254樓排 02/22 13:14
nt8802455樓是多不滿77 02/22 13:14
sdfsonic6樓毒瘤胖子走了超爽 02/22 13:14
ginopun104777樓true leader 懂了 02/22 13:15
howard19978樓開始認新大哥了 02/22 13:15
will3139樓77是氣氛毒瘤每個人都怕? 02/22 13:15
ssaw516610樓排了個毒瘤胖子 02/22 13:15
Wardyal11樓反觀 02/22 13:15
akizora12樓這齣真的太有趣了 02/22 13:15
jeff101313樓XD 02/22 13:15
edward081114樓KI來帶隊,比77更好 02/22 13:15
WardellSteph15樓排骨便當 02/22 13:15
PeterHenson16樓那他會帶隊友在場邊燒鼠尾草嗎 02/22 13:15
slowsoul199817樓7殺隊+1 02/22 13:15
Isinging18樓連隊友都開始臭是怎樣 02/22 13:16
kenny012019樓太狠啦 02/22 13:16
→ edward081120樓不就每次都幫77補防 02/22 13:16
jzsc556621樓淨灘之後氣氛真好,總算有真正的領袖了 02/22 13:16
LA822122樓不會攤手指揮 02/22 13:16
→ Royalweger23樓77已經不在了,這樣講還行吧 02/22 13:16
caseywvt24樓攤手胖子…是誰 02/22 13:16
→ Mikufans25樓Ki帶隊那麼強當老大季後賽就不會只有那樣了 02/22 13:16
→ ssaw516626樓說不定某胖私底下超搞 隊友不爽很久了 02/22 13:17
howard199727樓樓下幫忙盤點KI帶隊戰績 02/22 13:17
→ Royalweger28樓而且人家是在評論KI 02/22 13:17
→ samsam8082129樓KI是真的黑人領袖沒錯 真的黑人兄弟那種 02/22 13:17
lt511430樓一直嘴自己帶隊 也不看看當年ki多年輕 騎士陣容有 02/22 13:17