Agent Rich Paul Argues Los Angeles Lakers' Bronny James Needs Time In NBA G Leag
Former USC Trojans guard Bronny James is a rookie with the Los Angeles Lakers. J
ames is splitting his time between the NBA and the G League. James' agent Rich P
aul argues that James needs more consistency and to spend time in the G League.
前 USC Trojans 球員 Bronny James 目前是洛杉磯湖人的菜鳥球員。James 正在 NBA 和 G
聯盟之間分配時間。James 的經紀人 Rich Paul 認為,James 需要更多的一致性並且應該
在 G 聯盟中度過更多時間。
Former USC Trojans guard Bronny James was selected by the Los Angeles Lakers in
the second round of the 2024 NBA Draft. James has spent time in the NBA and G Le
ague as a rookie.
前 USC Trojans 球員 Bronny James 在 2024 年 NBA 選秀的第二輪被洛杉磯湖人選中。Ja
mes 在菜鳥賽季中同時參與 NBA 和 G 聯盟的比賽。
While getting minutes in an NBA game is valuable, the lack of consistency for Br
onny is a concern. James’ agent, Rich Paul is among the group who agree James s
hould stick to playing for the South Bay Lakers in the G League to help him deve
雖然能夠在 NBA 比賽中獲得上場時間很有價值,但對於 Bronny 來說,缺乏一致性是一個
問題。James 的經紀人 Rich Paul 是認為 James 應該專注於為 G 聯盟的 South Bay Lake
rs 球隊效力,以幫助他發展的聲音之一。
Paul appeared on the “Gil’s Arena” podcast to discuss where James is playing.
On the podcast, host Kenyon Martin asked if James getting G League reps is valu
Paul 最近在 “Gil’s Arena” 播客中談到了 James 的比賽安排。在節目中,主持人 Ken
yon Martin 問到 James 在 G 聯盟的練習是否有價值。
“[He needs the reps] in the G League, absolutely,” Paul said.
“[他需要在 G 聯盟中進行練習],絕對需要,”Paul 說。
Paul went on to expand on his views that reps in the G League are valuable, and
something most young players do in today's landscape of the NBA.
Paul 接著闡述了他對 G 聯盟練習的看法,認為這對現在的 NBA 年輕球員來說是很重要的
“The G League for today has a much better development criteria to it, and if yo
u look at the draft, we’ve had pretty much everybody from the third pick in the
draft to the last pick in the draft, have some time in the G League,” Paul exp
“現在的 G 聯盟有著更好的發展標準,如果你看看選秀,我們幾乎所有的球員,從第三順
位到最後一順位,都在 G 聯盟有過一些時間,”Paul 解釋道。
The most valuable aspect of playing in the G League is the consistent playing ti
me. Splitting time with two different teams can stunt James’ development. James
is still a young player, just 20 years old.
在 G 聯盟打球最有價值的地方是穩定的上場時間。在兩支不同球隊分配時間可能會阻礙 Ja
mes 的發展。James 仍然是一名年輕球員,只有 20 歲。
“Let him play his uninterrupted G League minutes and when the season is over, b
ring him up. Let him go on the road, let him get his bumps out, let him just pla
y through mistakes," Martin argued.
“讓他在 G 聯盟中專心打球,等到賽季結束後再將他調上來。讓他上場打比賽,讓他受些
磨練,讓他通過錯誤去成長”Martin 強調。
James played in 25 games with the USC Trojans, starting in six. James averaged 4
.8 points, 2.8 rebounds, and 2.1 assists per game. After one season, James took
the opportunity to move to the NBA, being selected with the No. 55 overall pick
by the Lakers. James and his father, LeBron James became the first father-son du
o to play in a game together.
James曾在USC Trojans隊打過25場比賽,並且有6場是首發。他場均貢獻4.8分、2.8籃板和2
。James和他的父親LeBron James成為史上首對在同場比賽中的父子組合。
Paul went on to explain that many players are still underdeveloped when they fir
st enter the NBA.
“The problem that we got is, most people don’t understand…when you get your o
pportunity in most cases, you’re underdeveloped,” Paul said.
“In the NBA, the issue is those opportunities don’t come around a multiple of
times, so when you see a young man leaving college to go play in the league, wha
t’s he’s betting is, ‘I’m going to be ready when I get my opportunity.’ In
most cases, that’s not the case.”
Paul used New Orleans Pelicans shooting guard Dejounte Murray as an example of h
ow the G League can help develop players.
Paul以鵜鶘隊的得分後衛Dejounte Murray為例,說明G聯盟如何幫助球員發展。
“I represent Dejounte Murray. [He] played a full season in the G League and was
the starting point guard in the Western Conference Finals against the Warriors
— that's development,” Paul said. “I embrace the G League.”
“我代表Dejounte Murray。[他]在G聯盟打了整個賽季,並且在對勇士的西區決賽中擔任首
Paul’s argument on the podcast is that while NBA minutes are valuable, consiste
nt reps in the G League will help develop James as an overall player. Martin agr
eed with Paul's argument, emphasizing the importance of allowing young players t
o grow.
“It’ll benefit him in the long run. We ain’t saying he’s gonna be his daddy.
No! But this time is crucial for him because he’s still fragile in basketball
period… We’re gonna let him be the 55th pick," Martin added.
With time, James could turn into a solid NBA player. Allowing him the time to gr
ow and consistently play in the G league can help the young player in the long r