[花邊] 你希望看到Ja Morant去哪支球隊呢?





NBA executive believes the Grizzlies could potentially look to move Ja Morant
this summer.

There are many interesting options in the table for Ja Morant’s future:

Build NBA’s next dynasty with the Boston Celtics
Be Jimmy Butler’s successor in Miami
Try to dominate the league alongside Luka Doncic with the Lakers
Team up with the future face of the league in Minnesota
Create a magic young duo with Banchero

Where would you like to see him?

一位NBA高層認為,灰熊可能在今年夏天尋求交易Ja Morant。

Ja Morant 的未來有許多有趣的選項:

成為邁阿密熱火的Jimmy Butler接班人
與Luka Doncic攜手加盟湖人,試圖統治聯盟



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1740237200.A.9C2.html
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