[外絮] 交易來吉巴 場上無Curry+/-值從-90變+30



來源:The Athletic

“The plus-minus tells the whole story,” Curry said. “Totally different
than what it was before where you felt a little pressure to create separation
because we were trying to fill some holes in those minutes.”


The before Curry is referencing is before the Jimmy Butler trade. They were a
cumulative minus-90 without Curry on the floor this season in the 51 games
leading up to Butler’s arrival. In the six games since he joined — with
Butler’s substitution pattern staggered with Curry’s, allowing him to lead
those units — the Warriors are plus-30 with Curry off the floor.

The Warriors, with Curry resting to open the fourth quarter, ran away with a
trio of wins in Chicago, Milwaukee and Sacramento. On Sunday, they outscored
the Mavericks by 10 in his 19 bench minutes. Everything, including the
always-feared non-Curry minutes, doesn’t feel as stressful and panicky for
the entire organization since Butler showed up.

“The game feels easier right now for us,” Kerr said. “Every play is not as
crucial when there’s a consistency in the game. You can make a mistake and
keep playing and not feel like, ‘Oh my god, we’ve got to flip things right
now.’ I just think the consistency of what we’re seeing defensively is
setting the tone.”







※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1740368414.A.5EC.html
c279325891樓真香 02/24 11:40
SlamKai2樓謝謝你 熱火 02/24 11:40
kawai9453樓硬漢 02/24 11:40
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skygray216樓真香 02/24 11:43
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rulDD26樓謝謝你油頭 02/24 11:45
Ayanami556627樓香吉巴 02/24 11:45
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