[情報] Draymond Green回應大O對其傳球的批評



"I thought those comments were very interesting," Green told co-host Baron
Davis. "The 'Big O' is 86 years old, so if you think I'm going to come on
here and disrespect because there was disrespect thrown, that ain't how I
roll. I'm never going to disrespect one of the pioneers of the game because
he shared a bad opinion.

"When speaking of the Big O, though ... We want to enjoy our last years we
got with our pioneers, the time we do have left with them, we're going to
enjoy that. I'm going to enjoy these last years."






Robertson said the Warriors forward might find today's NBA "boring" because
of how frequently he passes the ball to sharpshooting teammate Steph Curry.

Green doesn't understand that criticism one bit, and pointed out what he
believes to be the irony in Robertson's comments.




"When we start talking about knowing the game and how you think the game, I'm
not sure what idiot wouldn't want to pass Steph Curry the ball when he's the
greatest shooter of all time," Green added. "I don't really take that
personal. Certain games I'm going to look for him even more than you're
accustomed to me looking for him, because why wouldn't I?

"... For a guy who averaged 11 assists [per game], you were also passing the
ball. You cannot quite average 11 assists and not pass the ball. In the year
that Big O won a championship when he was starting to age, you were passing
the ball to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar himself. Not quite sure where the dig comes







Green also revealed that he saw and spoke with Robertson before the Kia
Skills Challenge during All-Star Saturday Night at Chase Center and received
plenty of praise from his soon-to-be detractor.

"During the skills challenge that I blew, I saw him on the sidelines," Green
shared. "I got up out of my seat, I said 'hello,' and he's like, 'Man, you're
still out there doing it. Keep on going, love watching you play, man. I just
love watching you play, you keep going.' So to hear him say that and then the
next morning he completely flipped and go opposite, I was a little surprised
by that, I must say. Because it wasn't quite that same energy when I saw him."








"Quite honestly, at 86, I'm pretty sure Big O ain't watching many of our
games. Big O [is] sound asleep by the time we play at night," Green told a
giggling Davis. "He sound asleep. There's zero percent chance Big O is up
watching the Dubs."






※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1740472265.A.F4E.html
c225016561樓得體還是dirty 02/25 16:33
YellowTiger2樓得體 尊重老人家 02/25 16:35
YellowTiger3樓不過人家問你的是覺得現在的比賽無聊? 02/25 16:35
YellowTiger4樓但看起來沒回到這點 02/25 16:35
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bearbrik6樓難得沒白目 02/25 16:38
WardellSteph7樓俗仔大o 怕被扁 02/25 16:39
OnePiecePR8樓覺得這個是小編文,一點都不綠 02/25 16:40
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zyic14樓綠有禮貌,難得 02/25 16:45
DwyaneWade15樓看起來被戳到 02/25 16:45
Kazmier16樓暗酸吧 哪裡得體 02/25 16:45
jakai17樓歐美的反諷會更裸白,看語意不是像是酸 02/25 16:48
jorden18樓暗諷吧 時日不多 給個尊重 02/25 16:48
goury19樓再酸也沒幾年 XD 02/25 16:49
alex097320樓暗諷大O時日不多 02/25 16:49
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edan199522樓翻譯:1.你也沒幾年可以嘴了 2.你不也都傳給賈霸 02/25 16:51
VL100323樓其實說人沒幾年其實一點也不暗諷阿,已經很難聽了 02/25 16:51
VL100324樓沒幾年,這種話完全只能自嘲,講別人就是超級難聽。 02/25 16:53
sunnyyoung25樓人家不只只做傳球和助攻 人家也強力發動進攻 02/25 16:53
VL100326樓但撇除這點,拔掉第一段的話,回覆還可以啦.. 02/25 16:54
a180310444a27樓可悲老人,雙面人 02/25 16:55
Banchero28樓嘴綠這是最高等級的回擊欸,明褒暗貶 02/25 16:57
patrickc29樓沒有大O的勞資訴訟 就沒有你們現在這群億萬富翁 大O 02/25 17:01
patrickc30樓的確是先驅者 02/25 17:01