[花邊] NC-吉巴認為勇士是他待過最好的球隊




Jimmy Butler reportedly feels like the Warriors are the best organization he’
s ever been a part of, per

“He does feel like this organization is better than any other organization he
’s been a part of. But I’m telling you it’s different this time. I haven’
t sensed the same feeling he’s had when he went to Philly, when he went to
Miami. This is different for Jimmy Butler going to Golden State. He’s
staying late for shootarounds. He’s staying late for practices. He’s
spending so much time in the training room, the meal room. He’s going above
and beyond to ingratiate himself with the Warriors right now.”

(Via@espn )



CW4 : 認真說,常待在meal room可能代表配合球隊進行營養02/26 09:26
CW4 : 規劃,也可能是版友說的積極與隊友、各類staff交流02/26 09:26



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1740532372.A.F5C.html
ken7203311樓吹了 02/26 09:13
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