Atkinson: “Jayson Tatum, that’s one of the most incredible shot making g
ames that I’ve seen in the league…We all gotta appreciate him and he carries h
imself with class. Hats off to him.”
Atkinson: "(Tatum) reminds me of Evan (Mobley) a little. They don't talk trash,
they don't celebrate themselves, they don't make grand gestures when they make b
uckets. They're just great players, humble players."
Jayson Tatum,這場比賽是我在NBA看過最出色的投籃表現之一,我們都得給予他肯定,他
他讓我想到Evan Mobley,他們不會說垃圾話,也不會過度自誇,他們只是優秀且謙遜的球
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※ 文章網址:樓臭 03/01 14:18
→ DuoDuokk772樓臭 03/01 14:18
pptsodog3樓滾出去 03/01 14:18
Sessyoin4樓臭 03/01 14:18
→ Qorqios5樓一邊笑一邊吹爆 03/01 14:18
oooellis6樓聯盟門面 03/01 14:18
oops8010117樓臭爛XDD 03/01 14:18
→ oooellis8樓難怪沒人想當 03/01 14:19
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→ love150027411樓不會說垃圾話 03/01 14:19
KIMCHAEWON12樓我是門面欸 03/01 14:19
WLR13樓一說就翻車 03/01 14:19
gaiaesque14樓太早 03/01 14:19
ruiun15樓這是在臭某個會說垃圾話又自誇的吧? 03/01 14:19
feathery16樓我懷疑阿金在臭 03/01 14:19
bheegrl17樓殺人豬心 03/01 14:19
xinbou76318樓這球有出色嗎 03/01 14:20
→ xinbou76319樓
03/01 14:20 LABOYS20樓挖,攻城為下,攻心為上,直接從精神層面打擊青賽 03/01 14:20
→ jim061921樓門麵 03/01 14:20
f9217422樓什麼罐頭我說 03/01 14:20
steven18323樓Man 03/01 14:20
→ xo110024樓這句感覺酸度爆表 笑死 03/01 14:20
luck94525樓臭 03/01 14:21
jason91115226樓[情報] Tatum在25比3時大喊:給我滾出去~Man 03/01 14:21
e8e8827樓笑死 03/01 14:21
sc7912928樓蝦仁豬心 03/01 14:21
AEGIS110629樓臭 03/01 14:22
03/01 14:22