[外絮] 嘴綠談KD吹密:這樣有什麼關係?



Draymond Green Defends Kevin Durant From People Who Say He's "Running" From Th
e Brooklyn Nets: "Why Does That Matter... He's Taking The Next Step In His Car



"The whole narrative starts 'KD is running from this', 'it gets hard, so he do
esn't stay', and blah blah blah. I sat there and asked myself, 'if KD did inde
ed request a trade, is that KD saying partially, I made a mistake?'

I answered the question for myself because obviously I am not going to ask Kev
in that. I answered it for myself and I said 'possibly yes, possibly no.'

But regardless, why does it matter? If Kevin Durant says I don't want to be he
re anymore and go somewhere else, why does that make him weak? Why does that m
ean he's running from something? I don't understand that. Players are in contr
ol of their situation. Players are in control of their destiny. That's the nex
t step in his career.
但不管怎樣,這樣有什麼關係? 如果KD說我不想再留在這裡,要去別的地方,為什麼這
表示他軟弱? 為什麼這意味著他在逃避? 我不明白。球員可以掌控自己的處境,可以掌

If a guy leaves Google to go to Apple after 3 or 4 years. Then they leave Appl
e after two years to go to Tesla and then they leave Tesla after 4 years to go
to Docusign. No one is going to say that person ran. Every person is going to
say they did the best for their career and livelihoods. But us, as athletes,i
t's never viewed that way and it's baffling to me."



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