[外絮] 勇士老闆:要留下圍巾普洱將會很困難



Warriors owner Joe Lacob says team in ‘no rush’ to extend Andrew Wiggins and
Jordan Poole


勇士老闆Joe Lacob受訪談到圍巾和普洱的續約問題,兩人明年夏天都將成為自由球員。

“We have time to do those things,” assured Lacob. “There’s no rush on all
that. I’m sure there will be some discussions this summer. But we haven’t ta
lked to them.”

"They are two great players in their twenties. We’d love to retain them.” sa
id Lacob, content to kick the can down the road another year. “But this becom
es the problem going forward when you have a team like ours where you’ve got
three guys that have been with us for a long time, making a lot of money.”

“It's going to be difficult. I’m not going to sit here and lie to the fan ba
se. It’s going to be really difficult to figure out what we’ll do next summe
r,” said Lacob, as transcribed by Tom Dierberger of NBC Sports.

“You’ve got these two guys who will be getting into—well, [Wiggins] is alre
ady in big salary mode and wants to stay there. And [Poole] is going to be cle
arly making a lot more money.”



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